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CBD Oil For Alzheimer’s Disease – A New Study

Alzheimer’s disease, a leading cause of dementia, is linked to harmful proteins in the brain. A recent study in 2023 found that cannabidiol (CBD), a non-psychoactive compound from cannabis, may protect brain cells from this damage. CBD improved cell health and reduced stress and damage in neurons affected by Alzheimer’s-related proteins. This suggests using CBD Oil for Alzheimer’s could be a valuable addition to treatments for Alzheimer’s disease.

What is Alzheimers’s?

Alzheimer’s disease (AD) is the most common type of dementia, impacting millions around the globe. It’s a severe condition highlighted by the World Health Organisation (WHO). AD is known for causing memory loss and cognitive decline, but what happens in the brain to cause this? It boils down to the build-up of two proteins: amyloid-β (Aβ) and tau. These proteins form plaques and tangles in the brain, leading to a cascade of problems, including oxidative stress, damaged cell energy centres (mitochondria), and eventually, cell death.

What is CBD and How Could It Help?

CBD, short for cannabidiol, is a compound derived from the cannabis plant. Unlike THC, another well-known cannabinoid, CBD doesn’t produce a high. Instead, it’s gaining popularity for its potential health benefits, especially its calming, anti-inflammatory, and antioxidant properties.

Recent studies are starting to explore how CBD might help protect brain cells, especially in conditions like Alzheimer’s. While research is still early, some findings are encouraging.

Researchers from China Pharmaceutical University in Nanjing discovered that cannabidiol (CBD), a key cannabis compound without intoxicating effects like THC, might enhance cognitive function and potentially offer protection against Aβ42, a protein derived from the amyloid precursor protein, which is a noteworthy biomarker associated with Alzheimer’s disease onset, mild cognitive impairment, vascular dementia, and other cognitive disorders.

How CBD Works in the Brain

  1. Protecting Brain Cells: One of the main things researchers found is that CBD can help keep brain cells alive longer. In the context of Alzheimer’s, where cell death is a significant issue, this is a big deal.
  2. Reducing Harmful Effects: CBD appears to reduce the damaging effects of oxidative stress and lipid peroxidation (a process that damages cell membranes). This means it helps protect the brain’s integrity.
  3. Interacting with the Endocannabinoid System: CBD works with our body’s endocannabinoid system, which helps regulate various functions, including mood, sleep, and appetite. By balancing this system, CBD might help mitigate some symptoms of Alzheimer’s.

What the Studies Say

  • Improved Cell Health: Studies show that CBD can significantly improve the health and survival of neurons (brain cells) exposed to amyloid-β peptides, which are notorious for causing damage in Alzheimer’s.
  • Less Oxidative Stress: Oxidative stress leads to cell damage, and CBD’s antioxidant properties help neutralize this, protecting the brain.
  • Lipid Peroxidation: By reducing this process, CBD helps maintain cell membrane integrity, crucial for cell survival.

“Our findings suggest CBD’s efficacy in moderating microglial and astrocytic activation, offering anti-inflammatory benefits that protect synaptic function and alleviate AD-associated cognitive deficits. Our data support CBD’s potential therapeutic role in countering AD-related neuroinflammation,” the study reads. This suggests using CBD Oil for Alzheimer’s could be a valuable addition to treatments for Alzheimer’s disease.

While research on CBD’s effects on Alzheimer’s Disease is still developing, early results are promising. In addition a 2021 study showed that high doses of CBD in late-stage Alzheimer’s patients increased proteins that help remove harmful plaques from the brain. Additionally, a 2019 review suggested that CBD might suppress factors contributing to Alzheimer’s, indicating its potential as a beneficial treatment option.

The Promise of CBD in Alzheimer’s Care

While these findings are promising, it’s essential to approach CBD as part of a broader strategy for managing Alzheimer’s. It’s not a cure-all but could be a valuable addition to other treatments and lifestyle changes aimed at protecting brain health. The exact ways CBD can be most effective are still under study, but its potential to aid in neuroprotection is an exciting development in the fight against Alzheimer’s.

What to Keep in Mind

  • Consult Healthcare Professionals: Before starting any new treatment, including CBD, it’s vital to talk to a healthcare provider to ensure it’s safe and appropriate for your specific situation.
  • Quality Matters: If considering CBD, opt for high-quality products from reputable sources to ensure purity and potency. A 20% gold quality CBD oil from Bristol CBD is recommended.

In conclusion, while research is ongoing, CBD holds promise as a potential aid in protecting brain health and mitigating some of the damaging effects of Alzheimer’s disease. It could become an important part of a comprehensive approach to managing this challenging condition.

For more information on CBD and Alzheimer’s, and to purchase our 20% Gold CBD Oil, visit Bristol CBD.

Gold full spectrum CBD oil 20%

About Bristol CBD

Bristol CBD is the most trusted CBD brand in the UK with a trust score of 5.0 stars on both Google and Trustpilot. As well as CBD products to help keep the mind and body in balance, Bristol CBD also sell high-spec functional mushrooms including Lion’s ManeCordycepsShiitakeChagaReishi and Turkey Tail.

We offer unparalleled customer service, support, guidance and advice and a 100% money back guarantee if you are not entirely satisfied with your product.

Please note that Bristol CBD staff are not qualified doctors or nurses and therefore we do not make any medical claims and cannot recommend CBD for specific ailments. Our articles are simply based on our own research and over 12 years experience of working with CBD and other supplements. We always encourage people to talk with their GPs, physicians or nurses before taking food supplements.

If you have any questions about how to buy or use CBD or medicinal mushroom products, please feel free to call us on 07706 031 935 at any time. We are always happy to share our experiences and help people to find the best solution for their own needs.

The Power of 20% CBD Oil for Sleep

In today’s fast-paced world, achieving a good night’s sleep can often feel like an elusive goal. Stress, anxiety, and a busy lifestyle can significantly impact our sleep patterns, leading to restless nights and groggy mornings. Enter CBD, particularly high-dose options like 20% CBD oil, which have gained attention for their potential to support better sleep. In this blog, we will delve into the benefits of 20% CBD oil for sleep, focusing on its biphasic properties and how it can help you achieve the restful sleep you deserve.

What is CBD and How Does It Work?

CBD, or cannabidiol, is a natural compound found in the hemp plant. It interacts with the body’s endocannabinoid system (ECS), which plays a crucial role in regulating various physiological processes, including sleep, mood, pain, and immune response. Unlike THC, CBD does not have psychoactive effects, making it a safe option for those seeking the therapeutic benefits of cannabis without the high.

The Biphasic Nature of CBD

CBD is known for its biphasic properties, meaning its effects can vary depending on the dosage. At lower doses, CBD may have stimulating effects, potentially increasing alertness and energy. Conversely, at higher doses, CBD is often associated with sedative effects, promoting relaxation and improving sleep quality. This biphasic nature makes it essential to find the right dosage to achieve the desired effect.

Why 20% CBD Oil?

1. Enhanced Sleep Quality: High-dose CBD oil, such as 20% CBD oil, is particularly effective for promoting better sleep. At this concentration, CBD’s sedative properties are more pronounced, helping to calm the mind and relax the body, making it easier to fall and stay asleep. Users often report experiencing deeper, more restorative sleep, which can significantly improve overall well-being.

2. Managing Sleep Disorders: For those struggling with sleep disorders like insomnia, 20% CBD oil can offer a natural alternative to traditional sleep medications. Its ability to reduce anxiety and stress, common culprits of sleep disturbances, can help establish a healthier sleep pattern. By addressing the root causes of poor sleep, CBD provides a holistic approach to sleep support.

3. Reducing Nighttime Wakefulness: Frequent waking during the night can disrupt the sleep cycle and leave you feeling fatigued in the morning. High-dose CBD oil helps maintain a steady level of relaxation throughout the night, reducing the likelihood of waking up and promoting uninterrupted sleep.

How to Use 20% CBD Oil for Sleep

1. Start with the Right Dosage: Finding the right dosage is key to maximising the benefits of CBD for sleep. It’s recommended to start with a small dose and gradually increase it until you find the optimal amount that works for you. For high-dose CBD oil, this might mean starting with a few drops and adjusting based on your experience.

2. Consistency is Key: Consistency is crucial when using CBD for sleep. Incorporate it into your nightly routine, taking it about an hour before bedtime to allow it to take effect. Regular use can help regulate your sleep patterns over time.

3. Complement with Good Sleep Hygiene: While 20% CBD oil can significantly improve sleep, it’s most effective when combined with good sleep hygiene practices. Maintain a consistent sleep schedule, create a relaxing bedtime routine, and ensure your sleep environment is conducive to rest.

Scientific Insights and User Testimonials

Research on CBD and sleep is still in its early stages, but initial studies and user testimonials provide promising insights. Many users of 20% CBD oil report significant improvements in their sleep quality, noting that they fall asleep faster, stay asleep longer, and wake up feeling more refreshed. Scientific studies also suggest that CBD may help reduce symptoms of anxiety and pain, both of which can interfere with sleep.


For those seeking a natural solution to improve sleep, 20% CBD oil offers a potent and effective option. Its high concentration maximises the sedative effects of CBD, helping to promote relaxation and support healthier sleep patterns. By understanding the biphasic nature of CBD and finding the right dosage, you can harness the full potential of this remarkable compound to achieve the restful sleep you deserve.

If you’re ready to explore the benefits of high-dose CBD for sleep, consider trying our 20% Gold CBD Oil. Crafted with care and quality, it’s designed to support your journey to better sleep and overall well-being.

For more information on CBD and sleep, and to purchase our 20% Gold CBD Oil, visit Bristol CBD. Sweet dreams await! 🌙✨

Gold full spectrum CBD oil 20%

About Bristol CBD

Bristol CBD is the most trusted CBD brand in the UK with a trust score of 5.0 stars on both Google and Trustpilot. As well as CBD products to help keep the mind and body in balance, Bristol CBD also sell high-spec functional mushrooms including Lion’s ManeCordycepsShiitakeChagaReishi and Turkey Tail.

We offer unparalleled customer service, support, guidance and advice and a 100% money back guarantee if you are not entirely satisfied with your product.

Please note that Bristol CBD staff are not qualified doctors or nurses and therefore we do not make any medical claims and cannot recommend CBD for specific ailments. Our articles are simply based on our own research and over 12 years experience of working with CBD and other supplements. We always encourage people to talk with their GPs, physicians or nurses before taking food supplements.

If you have any questions about how to buy or use CBD or medicinal mushroom products, please feel free to call us on 07706 031 935 at any time. We are always happy to share our experiences and help people to find the best solution for their own needs.

Finding Balance: The Secret to True Happiness

In the age of social media, it’s easy to get caught up in the seemingly glamorous lives of others. But the person you want to be is not necessarily the person you see on Instagram. Instead, the true goal in life should be finding balance.

The Instagram Illusion

Platforms like Instagram are flooded with images of wealth, fame, and luxury. People flaunt their sports cars, designer clothes, and exotic vacations. While these snapshots can be captivating, they often present a skewed version of reality. The truth is, the individuals who are rich, famous, and driving sports cars are outliers. They represent a tiny fraction of the population, and their success in one area of life often comes at a significant cost in others.

The Hidden Costs of Success

High levels of success in one aspect of life can lead to imbalances in other areas. For example, many high-powered executives work long hours, sacrificing family time, personal health, and mental well-being. Celebrities and influencers often face immense pressure to maintain their public image, which can lead to stress, anxiety, and a lack of genuine personal relationships. These people may seem to have it all, but the reality is far more complex and often less glamorous than it appears.

The Path to True Happiness

True happiness doesn’t come from achieving extraordinary success in a single area of life. Instead, it comes from achieving balance across various aspects of life. The truly happy people are not always the ones who are celebrated or lauded. They are the ones who manage to find a harmonious balance between their work, personal life, health, and hobbies.

Striving for Balance

Being average in most aspects of life isn’t a bad thing; in fact, it can be the key to a fulfilling and contented life. Strive to be a well-rounded person rather than excelling in just one area. Here’s how to achieve that balance:

  1. Prioritize Health: Physical and mental health should be your top priority. Regular exercise, a balanced diet, and mindfulness practices can help maintain your well-being.
  2. Nurture Relationships: Invest time in building and maintaining relationships with family and friends. Strong social connections are a crucial component of happiness.
  3. Set Realistic Goals: Instead of chasing extraordinary success, set achievable goals that align with your values and interests.
  4. Find Purpose: Engage in activities that bring you joy and fulfillment. Whether it’s a hobby, volunteering, or pursuing a passion project, finding purpose can significantly enhance your life satisfaction.
  5. Practice Gratitude: Focus on what you have rather than what you lack. Regularly practicing gratitude can shift your mindset towards positivity and contentment.

Mental Well-Being: Finding Your Zen

Zen refers to a state of well-being where we can manage stress effectively, regulate our emotions, and maintain a positive outlook. When we’re mentally balanced, we experience a sense of calm and clarity, allowing us to think clearly, be more productive, and build stronger relationships.

However, life throws us curveballs. Unforeseen events, work pressures, and personal challenges can easily disrupt our emotional equilibrium. When faced with such situations, maintaining balance involves acknowledging our struggles, practicing healthy coping mechanisms, and building resilience.

When it comes to mental health, balance is the secret sauce. Achieving emotional equilibrium helps you cope with stress, make smart decisions, and keep your relationships in check. How do you get there? By balancing work and leisure, social interactions, and personal time. Practices like mindfulness, meditation, and relaxation techniques are your go-to tools for reducing stress and finding your calm. Also techniques like journaling, and spending time in nature can be highly effective in achieving this inner peace.

Balancing negative emotions with positive vibes and building resilience can lead to a happier, healthier mind. Learning how to think well and to balance negative thinking with positive perspectives is a game changer in life.

Work-Life Harmony: Nailing the Juggle

The modern world often demands a constant “on” switch. We’re bombarded with emails, texts, and work deadlines that can bleed into our personal lives. Finding balance between work and personal time is crucial for overall well-being.

Working long hours without breaks can lead to burnout, decreased productivity, and strained relationships. Conversely, neglecting work responsibilities can create anxiety and financial insecurity. The key is to establish healthy boundaries. Setting clear working hours, sticking to a schedule, and learning to say no when necessary are essential steps.

Outside of work, make time for leisure activities, hobbies, and spending time with loved ones. This allows us to recharge, de-stress, and cultivate a sense of fulfillment beyond our careers.

Environmental Sustainability: Keeping Earth Happy

On a grander scale, balance is super important for keeping our planet happy and healthy. The Earth’s ecosystems thrive on a delicate balance between all sorts of natural processes. But human activities like industrialization, deforestation, and pollution can throw everything out of whack, leading to nasty consequences like climate change, loss of biodiversity, and running out of resources. Sustainable practices, like cutting down carbon footprints, protecting natural habitats, and switching to renewable energy, are all about getting back to that sweet ecological balance. Achieving environmental sustainability takes a team effort to juggle economic growth with protecting our beautiful planet.

Physical Health: The Harmony of the Body

When it comes to physical health, balance is the name of the game for keeping your body running like a well-oiled machine. Think of your body as a finely-tuned orchestra where everything needs to play in harmony. Eating a balanced diet is like feeding your body the right mix of notes – you need all the right nutrients without overdoing it, or you’ll hit some sour notes like obesity, heart disease, or diabetes. Regular exercise is your daily rehearsal, keeping your muscles strong, your heart pumping, and your overall fitness on point. And don’t forget balance exercises – they’re like the secret sauce for staying steady and avoiding those embarrassing tumbles, especially as we get older. So, a balanced approach to physical health means mixing proper nutrition, exercise, rest, and medical check-ups.

Included within a balanced diet are cannabinoids found in the hemp plant and concentrated in CBD oil, which has been shown to help various health issues, all thanks to how it works with the body’s endocannabinoid system (ECS). The ECS is like your body’s balance keeper, regulating things like pain, mood, appetite, and immune function. When you take CBD oil, it helps the ECS by boosting the production of natural cannabinoids, which then bind to cannabinoid receptors to help restore balance. This means CBD oil can potentially ease pain, anxiety, inflammation, and more, making it a super versatile option for improving overall well-being.

Social and Economic Balance: Keeping It Fair and Square

In society, striking a balance is like trying to find the sweet spot in a see-saw game. Too much weight on one side – like economic disparity, social injustice, or unequal access to resources – and you’ll end up with social unrest and conflict. Promoting social balance means setting up policies that level the playing field, giving everyone a fair shot, and protecting the rights of those often left out in the cold. On the economic front, it’s all about creating stable financial systems, pushing for fair trade, and backing sustainable development. Nail this balancing act, and you’re on your way to a more harmonious and stable society.

The Dynamic Nature of Balance: Roll with the Punches

Balance isn’t like a perfectly still yoga pose – it’s more like a dance that keeps changing with the music. Life’s constantly throwing new tunes your way, and what feels like balance now might need tweaking later. For instance, your work-life balance when you’re climbing the career ladder is going to look way different from when you’re gearing up for retirement. Flexibility and adaptability are your best dance partners to keep up with life’s ever-changing rhythm.

Balance is a Journey, Not a Destination

It’s important to remember that achieving balance isn’t a one-time feat. Life is dynamic, and our needs and priorities will constantly evolve. What works for you today might not work tomorrow. The key is to develop a growth mindset and embrace the journey of continuous adjustment.

Here are some practical tips to cultivate balance in your life:

  • Prioritize: Identify what matters most to you and dedicate time and energy to those things.
  • Learn to say no: Don’t be afraid to decline requests when you need time for yourself.
  • Schedule time for self-care: Prioritize activities that nourish your mind, body, and soul.
  • Practice mindfulness: Be present in the moment and avoid dwelling on the past or future anxieties.
  • Delegate and automate: Learn to delegate tasks and leverage technology to free up your time.
  • Seek support: Don’t hesitate to reach out to friends, family, or professionals for help when needed.

By incorporating these practices into your daily life, you can cultivate a sense of balance that will empower you to thrive in all aspects of your journey.

Balance – The Ultimate Life Hack

The people you see on Instagram may have moments of brilliance, but these often come at the expense of balance in other areas of their lives. True happiness lies in being average at everything, not brilliant at one thing. Embrace the idea of balance, and you’ll find that a well-rounded life is far more fulfilling than the fleeting allure of social media fame.

By focusing on balance, you can achieve a more sustainable and genuine form of happiness that isn’t dependent on external validation or extraordinary success in one narrow field. Aim to be the happy, balanced version of yourself, not the version that social media tells you to be.

Remember, balance is not about achieving perfection; but balance is the secret sauce to a healthy, fulfilling, and sustainable life. Whether you’re talking about keeping your body in shape, maintaining your mental well-being, juggling work and personal time, protecting the planet, or ensuring social and economic fairness, it all comes down to balance. It’s a continuous process that needs mindful adjustments.

By embracing balance as a guiding principle, both individuals and societies can navigate life’s ups and downs with more resilience, stability, and overall happiness. Balance isn’t just a destination – it’s a way of life that helps us groove through the complexities and challenges life throws our way.

About Bristol CBD

Bristol CBD is the most trusted CBD brand in the UK with a trust score of 5.0 stars on both Google and Trustpilot. As well as CBD products to help keep the mind and body in balance, Bristol CBD also sell high-spec functional mushrooms including Lion’s Mane, Cordyceps, Shiitake, Chaga, Reishi and Turkey Tail.

We offer unparalleled customer service, support, guidance and advice and a 100% money back guarantee if you are not entirely satisfied with your product.

Please note that Bristol CBD staff are not qualified doctors or nurses and therefore we do not make any medical claims and cannot recommend CBD for specific ailments. Our articles are simply based on our own research and over 12 years experience of working with CBD and other supplements. We always encourage people to talk with their GPs, physicians or nurses before taking food supplements.

If you have any questions about how to buy or use CBD or medicinal mushroom products, please feel free to call us on 07706 031 935 at any time. We are always happy to share our experiences and help people to find the best solution for their own needs.

The Benefits of CBD for Autism

The benefits of CBD for Autism were relatively unknown until recently. However, in recent years, CBD (Cannabidiol) has garnered significant attention for its potential therapeutic benefits across various conditions, including Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). ASD is a complex neurodevelopmental condition characterized by challenges in social interaction, communication, and repetitive behaviors. As awareness of ASD has grown, so has interest in alternative therapies that might support individuals with autism.

Understanding CBD and How It Works

CBD is one of over 100 cannabinoids found in the cannabis plant. Unlike its counterpart, tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), CBD does not have psychoactive effects, meaning it does not induce a “high.” Instead, CBD interacts with the body’s endocannabinoid system (ECS), a complex cell-signaling system involved in regulating various functions, including mood, sleep, appetite, and immune response.

The ECS consists of endocannabinoids, receptors, and enzymes. CBD is thought to influence the ECS by interacting with cannabinoid receptors (CB1 and CB2) found throughout the body. This interaction may help modulate various physiological processes, potentially providing therapeutic benefits for conditions like ASD.

Research on CBD and Autism

1. Alleviating Behavioral Symptoms:

A 2019 review paper titled “Endocannabinoid system involvement in autism spectrum disorder: An overview with potential therapeutic applications” highlights the significant role of the ECS in neuropsychiatric disorders, including ASD. The review suggests that CBD may help alleviate several conditions commonly associated with autism, such as anxiety, depression, seizures, and sleep problems.

2. Parental Reports:

In a 2019 survey conducted by Israeli researchers, parents of 53 children and young adults with ASD reported on their experiences with CBD oil. The participants, aged between 4 to 22, received oral drops of CBD oil for an average of 66 days. The results were promising:

  • 68% saw improvements in self-harm and rage attacks
  • 68% saw improvements in hyperactivity
  • 71% experienced better sleep quality
  • 47% had reduced anxiety levels

While some children experienced increased anxiety, the majority saw positive changes with mild side effects such as changes in appetite and drowsiness.

3. Clinical Studies:

Another study published in Nature in 2019 analyzed data from 188 children with ASD treated with medical cannabis, predominantly CBD-rich cannabis oil, between 2015 and 2017. After six months of treatment:

  • Nearly one-third reported significant improvements in quality of life
  • More than half reported moderate improvements in mood and independent functioning

These studies suggest that CBD could offer a range of benefits for individuals with ASD, though more research is needed to fully understand its effects.

Research Link:

Potential Benefits of CBD for Autism

1. Reducing Anxiety and Stress: Many individuals with ASD experience high levels of anxiety and stress. CBD’s anxiolytic properties may help reduce these feelings, making social interactions and daily activities less overwhelming.

2. Improving Sleep: Sleep disturbances are common in individuals with autism. CBD’s potential to improve sleep quality can have a significant positive impact on overall well-being and daily functioning.

3. Managing Seizures: Seizures are a common comorbidity in autism. Research has shown that CBD can significantly reduce seizure frequency in conditions like Dravet syndrome and Lennox-Gastaut syndrome. Clinical trials, such as those published in the New England Journal of Medicine, demonstrate CBD’s efficacy in lowering convulsive seizures and improving quality of life for patients

4. Enhancing Mood and Behavior: CBD may help regulate mood by interacting with the ECS, potentially reducing symptoms of depression and improving overall behavior. This can lead to a more stable emotional state and better coping mechanisms.

5. Alleviating Gastrointestinal Issues: Many individuals with ASD suffer from gastrointestinal problems. CBD’s anti-inflammatory properties may help reduce gastrointestinal discomfort and improve digestive health.

Practical Considerations

1. Consult with a Healthcare Provider: Before starting CBD, it is crucial to consult with a healthcare provider experienced in cannabis therapeutics. They can help determine the appropriate dosage and monitor any potential interactions with other medications.

2. Start Low and Go Slow: Finding the right dosage of CBD can be challenging, as it affects individuals differently. It is advisable to start with a low dose and gradually increase until the desired effects are achieved.

3. Choose Quality Products: Ensure you are using high-quality CBD products from reputable manufacturers. Look for third-party lab testing and certificates of analysis to confirm the product’s purity and potency.


While more research is needed to fully understand the benefits and potential risks of CBD for autism, early studies and anecdotal evidence suggest that it may offer significant relief for some symptoms associated with ASD. From reducing anxiety and improving sleep to managing seizures and enhancing mood, CBD holds promise as a complementary therapy for individuals with autism. As always, it is essential to consult with a healthcare professional before starting any new treatment.

About Bristol CBD:

Bristol CBD is the most trusted CBD brand in the UK with a trust score of 5.0 stars on both Google and Trustpilot. As well as CBD products, Bristol CBD also sell high-spec functional mushrooms including Lion’s Mane, Cordyceps, Shiitake, Chaga, Reishi and Turkey Tail.

We offer unparalleled customer service, support, guidance and advice and a 100% money back guarantee if you are not entirely satisfied with your product.

If you have any questions about how to buy or use CBD or medicinal mushroom products, please feel free to call us on 07706 031 935 at any time. We are always happy to share our experiences and help people to find the best solution for their own needs.

Please note that Bristol CBD staff are not qualified doctors or nurses and therefore we do not make any medical claims and cannot recommend CBD for specific ailments. Our articles are simply based on our own research and over 12 years experience of working with CBD and other supplements. We always encourage people to talk with their GPs, physicians or nurses before taking CBD products.

The Benefits of Using CBD for Chronic Fatigue

Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS), also known as Myalgic Encephalomyelitis (ME), is a complex disorder characterised by extreme fatigue that doesn’t improve with rest and can worsen with physical or mental activity. The exact cause of CFS is unknown, and its symptoms can vary widely, making it challenging to diagnose and treat. As traditional treatment options often fall short, many individuals are exploring alternative therapies, including the use of cannabidiol (CBD). This blog post delves into the potential benefits of using CBD for chronic fatigue, supported by research links and scientific evidence.

Understanding Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

Chronic Fatigue Syndrome affects millions of people worldwide. Symptoms include:

  • Severe fatigue
  • Sleep disturbances
  • Cognitive difficulties
  • Muscle and joint pain
  • Headaches
  • Sore throat and swollen lymph nodes

The debilitating nature of CFS can significantly impact an individual’s quality of life. Traditional treatments often focus on symptom management through medications, cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT), and graded exercise therapy (GET). However, these treatments do not work for everyone, and some patients seek alternative solutions.

What is CBD?

CBD, or cannabidiol, is a naturally occurring compound found in the cannabis plant. Unlike THC (tetrahydrocannabinol), another well-known compound from cannabis, CBD does not have psychoactive effects, meaning it doesn’t produce a “high.” CBD has gained popularity for its potential therapeutic benefits, including anti-inflammatory, analgesic, and anxiolytic properties.

How CBD May Help with Chronic Fatigue

1. Pain Relief

Many CFS patients suffer from chronic pain, including muscle and joint pain. CBD has been shown to have analgesic properties that could help alleviate pain. A study published in the Journal of Experimental Medicine suggests that CBD can significantly reduce chronic inflammation and pain by targeting specific receptors in the endocannabinoid system (ECS) .

2. Improving Sleep Quality

Sleep disturbances are a common symptom of CFS. CBD may help improve sleep quality by addressing some of the underlying issues that disrupt sleep. Research published in the Permanente Journal indicates that CBD could reduce anxiety and improve sleep in a large case series of 72 adults with anxiety and sleep concerns .

3. Reducing Anxiety and Depression

Mental health issues, such as anxiety and depression, are prevalent among CFS patients. CBD has been found to have anxiolytic and antidepressant effects. A review published in the Neurotherapeutics Journal highlights the potential of CBD as a treatment for anxiety disorders due to its interaction with serotonin receptors .

4. Boosting Energy Levels

While more research is needed, some studies suggest that CBD could help boost energy levels. CBD’s interaction with the ECS may help regulate functions like mood, sleep, and appetite, potentially leading to an overall increase in energy and reduction in fatigue.

5. Anti-Inflammatory Effects

Inflammation is believed to play a role in the pathogenesis of CFS. CBD is known for its potent anti-inflammatory properties. Research from the European Journal of Pain demonstrates that CBD can help reduce inflammation and pain in animal models of arthritis .

6. Neuroprotective Properties

Cognitive difficulties, often referred to as “brain fog,” are a significant symptom of CFS. CBD has shown neuroprotective properties that could help improve cognitive function. Studies published in Frontiers in Pharmacology suggest that CBD may support neurogenesis and reduce neuroinflammation, potentially enhancing cognitive performance .

Scientific Research Supporting CBD Use for Chronic Fatigue

  1. Pain Management:
  2. Sleep Improvement:
  3. Anxiety and Depression:
  4. Anti-Inflammatory Effects:
  5. Neuroprotective Properties:

How to Use CBD for Chronic Fatigue

When considering CBD for chronic fatigue, it’s essential to start with a low dose and gradually increase it based on your body’s response. Here are some common forms of CBD and their usage:

  • CBD Oil/Tinctures: Place a few drops under your tongue for quick absorption.
  • CBD Capsules: Easy to consume with consistent dosing.
  • CBD Edibles: Gummies and other edibles offer a tasty way to take CBD.
  • Topicals: CBD-infused creams and balms can be applied directly to areas experiencing pain.

Final Thoughts

Chronic Fatigue Syndrome is a challenging condition with limited treatment options. While more research is needed to fully understand the benefits of CBD for CFS, current evidence suggests that it may offer relief from several symptoms associated with the condition, including pain, sleep disturbances, anxiety, and inflammation.


  1. Journal of Experimental Medicine: Link to study
  2. Permanente Journal: Link to study
  3. Neurotherapeutics Journal: Link to study
  4. European Journal of Pain: Link to study
  5. Frontiers in Pharmacology: Link to study

By exploring the potential benefits of CBD, you might find a new avenue for managing chronic fatigue and improving your quality of life.

About Bristol CBD:

Bristol CBD is the most trusted CBD brand in the UK with a trust score of 5.0 stars on both Google and Trustpilot. As well as CBD products, Bristol CBD also sell high-spec functional mushrooms including Lion’s Mane, Cordyceps, Shiitake, Chaga, Reishi and Turkey Tail.

We offer unparalleled customer service, support, guidance and advice and a 100% money back guarantee if you are not entirely satisfied with your product.

If you have any questions about how to buy or use CBD or medicinal mushroom products, please feel free to call us on 07706 031 935 at any time. We are always happy to share our experiences and help people to find the best solution for their own needs.

Please note that Bristol CBD staff are not qualified doctors or nurses and therefore we do not make any medical claims and cannot recommend CBD for specific ailments. Our articles are simply based on our own research and over 12 years experience of working with CBD and other supplements. We always encourage people to talk with their GPs, physicians or nurses before taking CBD products.

Latest Research on CBD and Kidney Health

Kidney health is a big deal. When your kidneys don’t work well, it can lead to serious health problems. Scientists are always on the lookout for new ways to keep our kidneys healthy, and one exciting possibility comes from a natural source: CBD, a compound found in cannabis. So what is the latest research on CBD and kidney health?

In a recent study, researchers wanted to see if CBD could help protect kidneys from damage. To find out, scientists performed an experiment with fifty male rats. They divided the rats into five groups:

  • Group 1: Got regular water to drink.
  • Group 2: Got a kidney-damaging drug called doxorubicin.
  • Group 3: Got CBD.
  • Group 4: Got CBD and the kidney-damaging drug.
  • Group 5: Got another protective drug, trimetazidine, and the kidney-damaging drug.

Key Findings

The results were impressive. Here’s what they discovered about the rats that were given CBD:

  1. Better Stress Markers: CBD helped improve markers related to oxidative stress, which is a kind of damage that can happen to cells.
  2. Healthier Enzymes: The levels of certain unfavorable liver enzymes were lower, which is a good sign.
  3. Improved Kidney Function: Important indicators of kidney health, like creatinine and urea levels, were better.
  4. Reduced Inflammation: Inflammation levels went down, which is crucial because too much inflammation can harm the kidneys. CBD may help reduce inflammation, which is beneficial for managing kidney disease.
  5. Supportive Tissue Results: Looking at the kidney tissues under a microscope confirmed these benefits.

CBD seems to have some powerful health benefits, particularly for the kidneys. It acts as an antioxidant and has anti-inflammatory properties, which means it could help protect the kidneys from damage and keep them functioning well. Other research on CBD and kidney function seems to support the notion that CBD is beneficial.

Other Potential Benefits of CBD for Kidney Health

  • Pain Relief: Studies suggest that CBD can help alleviate pain due to its analgesic properties. Unlike traditional painkillers that may harm the kidneys, CBD does not appear to have toxic effects on the kidneys.
  • Blood Pressure Regulation: Studies indicate that CBD might help stabilize blood pressure, an important factor since high blood pressure can contribute to kidney damage.
  • Effects on Kidney Disease
    Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD): CBD may help slow the progression of CKD by reducing inflammation and oxidative stress. Based on studies conducted in patients without renal impairment, those treated with cannabinoids were 43% to 300% more likely to report a ≥30% reduction in chronic neuropathic pain
  • Kidney Stones: While CBD won’t eliminate kidney stones, its pain-relieving properties can help manage the discomfort associated with passing stones.
  • Pyelonephritis: This is a severe kidney infection. CBD may assist in reducing inflammation and pain, though antibiotics are the primary treatment.
  • Polycystic Kidney Disease: CBD might help manage symptoms and reduce the growth of cysts through its anti-inflammatory effects.

How CBD Works

CBD is a compound derived from the cannabis plant. Unlike THC, it is non-psychoactive and won’t make you high. It interacts with the body’s endocannabinoid system (ECS), which plays a role in maintaining homeostasis. CBD may stimulate the production of natural cannabinoids, which can help with pain relief, anxiety, and inflammation. Bristol CBD are the most trusted provider of CBD in the UK according to Trustpilot.


Kidney disease is a serious condition that can be fatal in severe cases. While more research is needed to fully understand the effects of CBD on kidney health, initial studies suggest several potential benefits. Additionally, when selecting a CBD product, choose a trusted and transparent source. Reliable manufacturers will provide third-party lab tests and a certificate of analysis to ensure product quality and safety.

About Bristol CBD:

Bristol CBD is the most trusted CBD brand in the UK with a trust score of 5.0 stars on both Google and Trustpilot. As well as CBD products, Bristol CBD also sell high-spec functional mushrooms including Lion’s Mane, Cordyceps, Shiitake, Chaga, Reishi and Turkey Tail.

We offer unparalleled customer service, support, guidance and advice and a 100% money back guarantee if you are not entirely satisfied with your product.

If you have any questions about how to buy or use CBD or medicinal mushroom products, please feel free to call us on 07706 031 935 at any time. We are always happy to share our experiences and help people to find the best solution for their own needs.

Please note that Bristol CBD staff are not qualified doctors or nurses and therefore we do not make any medical claims and cannot recommend CBD for specific ailments. Our articles are simply based on our own research and over 12 years experience of working with CBD and other supplements. We always encourage people to talk with their GPs, physicians or nurses before taking CBD products.

The Benefits of CBG vs CBD: A Comprehensive Guide

As the world of wellness continues to embrace the potential of cannabinoids, CBD (Cannabidiol) and CBG (Cannabigerol) have emerged as two of the most talked-about compounds. While both are derived from the hemp plant, they offer unique benefits and work differently within the body. This blog will explore the differences between CBD and CBG and explain the extra benefits of CBG when taken with CBD.

We will also look at how you can take CBG alongside CBD in a safe way using Bristol CBD’s 23% paste, which contains both.

CBD vs. CBG: What Are They?

CBD (Cannabidiol): CBD is one of the most prevalent cannabinoids found in the hemp plant. It is non-psychoactive, meaning it doesn’t produce the “high” associated with THC. CBD interacts with the body’s endocannabinoid system (ECS), which plays a role in regulating various physiological processes such as pain, mood, sleep, and immune function.

Key Benefits of CBD:

  • Pain Relief: CBD is known for its analgesic properties, making it a popular choice for managing chronic pain and inflammation.
  • Anxiety and Stress Reduction: Many users find that CBD helps to alleviate anxiety and reduce stress, promoting a sense of calm.
  • Improved Sleep: CBD may help improve sleep quality by addressing factors such as anxiety and pain that can interfere with restful sleep.
  • Anti-Seizure: CBD has been shown to be effective in reducing the frequency and severity of seizures, particularly in conditions like epilepsy.

CBG (Cannabigerol): CBG is often referred to as the “mother of all cannabinoids” because it is the precursor from which other cannabinoids are synthesized. Although it is present in much smaller quantities than CBD in the hemp plant, it interacts with the ECS in a unique way.

Key Benefits of CBG:

  • Anti-Inflammatory: CBG has potent anti-inflammatory properties, which can be beneficial for conditions like inflammatory bowel disease.
  • Neuroprotective: Research suggests that CBG may help protect nerve cells, potentially offering benefits for neurodegenerative diseases such as Huntington’s disease.
  • Anti-Bacterial: CBG has demonstrated strong anti-bacterial properties, particularly against antibiotic-resistant strains like MRSA.
  • Appetite Stimulation: Unlike CBD, CBG may help stimulate appetite, which can be beneficial for individuals experiencing appetite loss.
  • Anti-Cancer Properties: Potential anti-tumor activity by inhibiting the growth of certain cancer cells.
  • Anti-Fungal Properties: Promising anti-fungal agent for treating fungal infections.
  • Glaucoma Treatment: Reduces intraocular pressure, potentially treating glaucoma.
  • Bladder Dysfunction Relief: Reduces bladder contractions, aiding in overactive bladder and related conditions.
  • Psoriasis Management: Anti-inflammatory and anti-proliferative properties help manage psoriasis.
  • Bone Health: May aid in bone formation and healing, beneficial for osteoporosis and bone fractures.
  • Mood Enhancement: Potential antidepressant properties may help alleviate depression and boost mood.
  • Analgesic Properties: Provides pain relief, especially for conditions involving inflammation.

Why Use Bristol CBD’s 23% CBD plus CBG Paste?

Bristol CBD’s 23% paste offers a high concentration of both CBD and CBG, providing a powerful and synergistic blend of these cannabinoids. Here’s why this combination is particularly valuable:

1. Enhanced Therapeutic Effects: The combination of CBD and CBG can enhance the therapeutic effects of each cannabinoid through what is known as the “entourage effect.” This phenomenon suggests that cannabinoids work better together than they do alone, amplifying each other’s benefits.

2. Comprehensive Relief: By combining CBD’s broad-spectrum benefits with CBG’s targeted effects, users can experience more comprehensive relief from a variety of symptoms. For example, CBD’s calming effects can be complemented by CBG’s anti-inflammatory properties, offering a balanced approach to wellness.

3. Versatility: The high concentration of cannabinoids in the paste makes it versatile for various applications. Whether you need a small dose for daily maintenance or a higher dose for acute relief, the paste allows for flexible dosing.

4. Quality Assurance: Bristol CBD is known for its commitment to quality and transparency. Their products are third-party tested to ensure purity and potency, providing peace of mind that you are consuming a safe and effective product.

5. Convenience: The paste format is easy to use and can be incorporated into your daily routine seamlessly. It can be taken sublingually (under the tongue) for quick absorption or added to food and beverages.


CBD and CBG each offer unique benefits, and combining them in a high-quality product like Bristol CBD’s 23% paste can provide a comprehensive and effective approach to wellness. Whether you are seeking relief from pain, anxiety, inflammation, or other health issues, this powerful blend harnesses the best of both cannabinoids to support your overall health and well-being.

By understanding the distinct roles of CBD and CBG and how they can work together, you can make more informed decisions about your health and wellness journey. Give Bristol CBD’s 23% paste a try and experience the combined benefits of these two remarkable cannabinoids.

For more information about CBG (cannabigerol) please click here.

About Bristol CBD:

Bristol CBD is the most trusted CBD brand in the UK with a trust score of 5.0 stars on both Google and Trustpilot. As well as CBD products, Bristol CBD also sell high-spec functional mushrooms including Lion’s Mane, Cordyceps, Shiitake, Chaga, Reishi and Turkey Tail.

We offer unparalleled customer service, support, guidance and advice and a 100% money back guarantee if you are not entirely satisfied with your product.

If you have any questions about how to buy or use CBD or medicinal mushroom products, please feel free to call us on 07706 031 935 at any time. We are always happy to share our experiences and help people to find the best solution for their own needs.

Please note that Bristol CBD staff are not qualified doctors or nurses and therefore we do not make any medical claims and cannot recommend CBD for specific ailments. Our articles are simply based on our own research and over 12 years experience of working with CBD and other supplements. We always encourage people to talk with their GPs, physicians or nurses before taking CBD products.

Unraveling the Science: How CBD Alleviates Pain

Introduction: CBD and Pain

The therapeutic potential of cannabidiol (CBD) for managing pain has garnered significant attention in recent years. As researchers delve deeper into the mechanisms underlying CBD’s analgesic effects, a clearer picture emerges of its promising role in pain management. In this article, we explore the science behind CBD’s ability to alleviate pain and discuss the latest research findings.

The Endocannabinoid System and Pain Perception:

At the heart of CBD’s pain-relieving properties lies its interaction with the endocannabinoid system (ECS), a complex network of receptors, enzymes, and endocannabinoids that help regulate various physiological processes, including pain perception. CBD exerts its effects primarily through interactions with cannabinoid receptors, particularly CB1 and CB2 receptors, which are found throughout the body, including in the nervous system and immune system.

Neurotransmitter Modulation:

CBD’s ability to modulate neurotransmitter activity plays a crucial role in its analgesic effects. Research suggests that CBD can inhibit the uptake of neurotransmitters such as anandamide, often referred to as the body’s natural “bliss molecule,” which plays a key role in pain regulation. By enhancing the levels of anandamide in the body, CBD may help alleviate pain and promote feelings of well-being.

Inflammation and Immune Response:

Chronic pain is often associated with inflammation and immune system dysfunction. CBD has been shown to possess potent anti-inflammatory properties, capable of suppressing inflammatory responses and reducing tissue damage. Additionally, CBD can modulate immune system activity, potentially mitigating the inflammatory processes that contribute to pain conditions such as arthritis and neuropathic pain.

Neuroprotective Effects:

Emerging research suggests that CBD’s neuroprotective effects may also contribute to its pain-relieving properties. By promoting neurogenesis (the growth of new neurons) and reducing oxidative stress and neuroinflammation, CBD may help protect against nerve damage and alleviate pain associated with conditions such as neuropathy and multiple sclerosis.

Clinical Evidence and Human Studies:

While preclinical studies provide valuable insights into CBD’s mechanisms of action, clinical evidence is essential for validating its efficacy in humans. Several clinical trials and observational studies have demonstrated the potential of CBD as a therapeutic agent for various pain conditions, including chronic pain, neuropathic pain, and inflammatory pain.

For more information on CBD and pain management, please explore the following research resources:

  1. Study: Cannabidiol in Pain Management: Current Perspectives
  2. Clinical Trial: Efficacy and Safety of Cannabidiol for Chronic Pain Management
  3. Article: The Endocannabinoid System and Pain: An Overview

These studies show a clear pattern of CBD being both safe and useful for pain management. However, more research is needed to elucidate the optimal dosages, formulations, and treatment protocols for different pain disorders.


The science behind CBD’s analgesic effects is complex and multifaceted, involving interactions with the endocannabinoid system, modulation of neurotransmitter activity, anti-inflammatory and immune-modulating effects, and neuro-protective mechanisms. While preliminary evidence suggests that CBD holds promise as a safe and effective option for managing pain, further research is needed to fully understand its therapeutic potential and optimise its use in clinical settings.

About Bristol CBD:

Bristol CBD is the most trusted CBD brand in the UK with a trust score of 5.0 stars on both Google and Trustpilot. As well as CBD products, Bristol CBD also sell high-spec functional mushrooms including Lion’s Mane, Cordyceps, Shiitake, Chaga, Reishi and Turkey Tail.

We offer unparalleled customer service, support, guidance and advice and a 100% money back guarantee if you are not entirely satisfied with your product.

If you have any questions about how to buy or use CBD or medicinal mushroom products, please feel free to call us on 07706 031 935 at any time. We are always happy to share our experiences and help people to find the best solution for their own needs.

Please note that Bristol CBD staff are not qualified doctors or nurses and therefore we do not make any medical claims and cannot recommend CBD for specific ailments. Our articles are simply based on our own research and over 12 years experience of working with CBD and other supplements. We always encourage people to talk with their GPs, physicians or nurses before taking CBD products.

How to buy CBD oil to get the Entourage Effect?

What is the CBD Entourage effect?

The Entourage Effect is a term coined by two Israeli researchers, Shimon Ben-Shabat and Rafael Mechoulam in 1998 to explain how CBD works in our body. It refers to how the various compounds in the hemp plant such as terpenes, flavonoids and cannabinoids work together to enhance the therapeutic effects of CBD.

These compounds work together synergistically to increase the effectiveness of CBD by strengthening its impact on the body’s endocannabinoid system which plays a significant role in regulating many physiological processes including pain, mood, appetite and sleep.

The Entourage Effect is based on the belief that different compounds in cannabis work together to produce better results. However with the vast array of compounds in hemp it can be challenging to isolate every single compound and study its benefits. The research conducted to date supports the notion that the Entourage Effect is real.

A study in the Journal of Cyto-pharmacology showed that whole plant CBD extracts were more effective in treating anxiety than pure CBD isolate. In addition a study in the British Medical Journal showed that whole plant CBD extracts were more effective in treating epilepsy than pure CBD isolate.

The Entourage Effect mechanism comes from the synergy of all the different compounds in cannabis sativa where each compound enhances the other’s effects. For example terpenes, the aromatic oils found in the cannabis plant enhance the therapeutic effects of CBD by increasing its bioavailability and promoting its absorption in the body. Terpenes also contribute to the unique aroma, taste and colour of each hemp strain which can have different therapeutic effects.

Although more research is needed to fully understand the Entourage effect it is clear that there is often value in using full spectrum CBD products that contain all the compounds found in the hemp plant. By doing so you can achieve more significant results than by using isolate products.

Keep in mind that every person is different and some may prefer the effects of broad spectrum CBD over full spectrum CBD products. It is always essential to make an informed choice based on your unique needs and preferences.

As awareness about the benefits of CBD oil grows people are becoming much more curious about the different types of CBD oils that are available. The world of CBD oil can be overwhelming with different methods of extraction and formulations and dosage options to consider.

Different Types Of CBD Oil

Here we explore three of the most popular forms of CBD oil that are widely available that is whole plant CBD oil, gold CBD oil and broad spectrum CBD oil. Here’s what sets these products apart from one another:

Whole Plant CBD Oil

Whole plant CBD oil is often also referred to as full plant or full spectrum CBD oil as the name suggests this oil is extracted from the entire hemp plant. The Latin name of the hemp plant is Cannabis Sativa. Whole plant oils include extract from the leaves, the flowers and the stem of the hemp plant to maximise the spectrum of compounds.

In the UK whole plant CBD oil contains only trace amounts of THC (delta-9 tetrahydrocannabinol) below the legal limit of 0.2 percent so you can’t get high from them. It is important to remember that n the U.S some whole plant CBD oils contain higher levels of THC in the states where THC has been legalised

Because whole plant CBD oil contains all of the naturally occurring compounds found in the hemp plant it is a known as a full spectrum CBD oil. This means that it contains many other cannabinoids such as CBG (cannabigerol), CBD-a (cannabidiolic acid) and CBC (cannabichromene).

In addition to the full spectrum of cannabinoids whole plant CBD oils can contain many different terpenes which are the aromatic compounds in the hemp plant like pinine, lanolin, myrcene, limonene and humulin. Whole plant CBD oils can also contain flavonoids, such as apigenin, luteolin and quercetin.

Whole plant CBD oils are generally produced using supercritical CO2 extraction to extract the cannabinoids terpenes and flavonoids from the hemp plant. This high pressure method also extracts the plant lipids, the waxes and chlorophylls from the plant and these have a bitter taste. The one criticism that some people have about whole plant CBD oil is that they have a bitter taste and this can prevent some people from holding the oil in their mouths for very long. As CBD is very bioavailable through the gums and the membranes in the mouth it is important to hold CBD oil under the tongue for a while to increase the absorption of the cannabinoids flavonoids and terpenes into the bloodstream.

Bristol CBD offer the best value whole plant CBD oils in the UK based on the strength, quality and spectrum of cannabinoids terpenes and flavonoids. To find out more view the list of whole plant CBD products on the Bristol CBD website.

Gold CBD Oil

Gold CBD oil is also a full spectrum CBD oil containing all of the desired compounds from the hemp plant including the cannabinoids, terpenes and flavonoids in order to achieve the Entourage Effect. However the extraction process for Gold CBD is slightly different to whole plant, so gold CBD oil does not contain the bitter tasting plant waxes, lipids and chlorophylls. Gold CBD oil is extracted using subcritical CO2 extraction which is a process that uses pressurized carbon dioxide in its liquid state as a solvent to extract CBD from hemp plants. When the temperature and pressure of CO2 are controlled it creates a state between liquid and gas called the subcritical phase.

During this phase CO2 can efficiently extract the desired compounds from hemp plants such as cannabinoids, terpenes and flavonoids, while leaving behind the heavier darker bitter tasting plant matter this means that gold CBD oils have a more mild taste that can be more palatable than the whole plant oils. Some people find it easier to hold gold oils in the mouth for longer.

Subcritical CO2 extraction method is preferred over other methods because it produces a very clean CBD oil without any residual solvents or chemicals. Moreover subcritical CO2 extraction preserves the potency and efficacy of the CBD oil by maintaining the Integrity of the plant’s compounds. Due to the costly and intricate nature of this method only a few CBD manufacturers invest in it. Bristol CBD’s gold CBD oils are some of the only gold CBD products in the UK that are made using this subcritical CO2 extraction method. This premium quality CBD oil boasts a high concentration of CBD a full spectrum of other cannabinoids and plant compounds and is the highest quality on the market in the UK.

Broad Spectrum CBD Oil

Broad spectrum CBD oils contain high levels of CBD, zero THC and a handful of other cannabinoids such as CBG (cannabigerol) and CBA-a. To produce broad spectrum CBD oil several processes including filtration and distillation are used to get rid of contaminants and this leaves behind a pure product that is virtually tasteless.

While full spectrum CBD oils retain all of the cannabinoids, terpenes and other plant compounds found in hemp, broad spectrum CBD oil is free of THC and most of the cannabinoids, flavonoids and terpenes making it a preferred option for those who want a cheaper form of CBD oil.

Broad spectrum CBD oil can be used in various ways including sublingual applications (putting under the tongue) or adding it to edibles and skin products. This makes it one of the most versatile forms of CBD oil on the market.

Another advantage of broad spectrum CBD oil is that it is virtually flavourless. Some forms of CBD oil, especially the full spectrum ones, have a bitter taste which may be overwhelming or unappealing for some people but broad spectrum CBD oil is free of such qualities making it very mild in taste.

While both full spectrum and broad spectrum CBD oil are absorbed orally, broad spectrum CBD oil has a simpler, quicker absorption rate into the bloodstream meaning that you may feel its effect more quickly than other CBD oils.

In conclusion, whole plant CBD oil, gold CBD oil and broad spectrum CBD oil all have their unique benefits and choosing the right one for you comes down to personal preference. Gold oils and whole plant oils are full spectrum oils that provide the entourage effect whereas broad spectrum oils are a great budget option for those that want a flavourless oil.

About Bristol CBD

Bristol CBD is the most trusted CBD brand in the UK with a trust score of 5.0 stars on both Google and Trustpilot. As well as CBD products, Bristol CBD also sell high-spec functional mushrooms including Lion’s Mane, Cordyceps, Shiitake, Chaga, Reishi and Turkey Tail.

We offer unparalleled customer service, support, guidance and advice and a 100% money back guarantee if you are not entirely satisfied with your product.

If you have any questions about how to buy or use CBD or medicinal mushroom products, please feel free to call us on 07706 031 935 at any time. We are always happy to share our experiences and help people to find the best solution for their own needs.

Please note that Bristol CBD staff are not qualified doctors or nurses and therefore we do not make any medical claims and cannot recommend CBD for specific ailments. Our articles are simply based on our own research and over 12 years experience of working with CBD and other supplements. We always encourage people to talk with their GPs, physicians or nurses before taking CBD products.

Biphasic CBD. What does that mean?

CBD oils have what’s known as biphasic properties. The word ‘Biphasic’ sounds quite complex but it’s actually very simple. A biphasic compound or chemical is something which has different effects on the human body depending on the dose that you take. One analogy that we’re all probably quite familiar with is wine.

if you drink one glass of wine you might feel energised and bubbly, but after maybe three or four glasses of wine you start to feel sleepy. This is a biphasic effect. A different effect due to a different dose.

And it is the same with CBD oil.

According to the Arthritis and Rheumatism Association (ARA) in Washington, CBD can increase alertness and reduce anxiety at low doses, while at higher doses it can be quite sedating. Therefore, it may be best to use lower doses of CBD during the day and higher doses before bed.

if you’re using CBD in the morning you might want to take a small amount of CBD oil to help give you energy, focus and clarity and to help reduce anxiety. But if you’re using CBD oil to sleep, then maybe an hour before bed you would take a larger dose of CBD and that will help you to feel sleepy.

In their publication, ARA also state “Due to the beneficial effects of low doses of CBD (positive mood, less anxiety, and reduced pain), many individuals choose to microdose these chemicals which means taking low doses throughout the day rather than larger doses a few times per day.”

Understanding the biphasic qualities of CBD oil can also help you to choose the right CBD oil. If you are using CBD oil for anxiety then you may want to buy a low to medium strength CBD oil (typically 5% CBD to 10% CBD) whereas if you are using CBD oil for sleep then you may want to buy a medium to high strength CBD oil (typically 10% CBD to 20% CBD).

Broad Spectrum CBD oil
Broad Spectrum CBD oil

About Bristol CBD

Bristol CBD is the most trusted CBD brand in the UK with a trust score of 5.0 stars on both Google and Trustpilot. As well as CBD products, Bristol CBD also sell high-spec functional mushrooms including Lion’s Mane, Cordyceps, Shiitake, Chaga, Reishi and Turkey Tail.

We offer unparalleled customer service, support, guidance and advice and a 100% money back guarantee if you are not entirely satisfied with your product.

If you have any questions about how to buy or use CBD or medicinal mushroom products, please feel free to call us on 07706 031 935 at any time. We are always happy to share our experiences and help people to find the best solution for their own needs.

Please note that Bristol CBD staff are not qualified doctors or nurses and therefore we do not make any medical claims and cannot recommend CBD for specific ailments. Our articles are simply based on our own research and over 12 years experience of working with CBD and other supplements. We always encourage people to talk with their GPs, physicians or nurses before taking CBD products.

The benefits of organically grown CBD

All of Bristol CBD oils are extracted from hemp that is grown organically. What does that mean?

First of all it means that the hemp fields are located away from roads so there’s no danger of vehicle pollution reaching the hemp plants and away from any fields containing genetically modified crops.

Why should you always look for organically grown CBD?

Hemp is used to extract heavy metals and pesticides from fields so the first few crops of hemp are usually not used for CBD oil. Instead we have to wait until the soil is clean enough to create an oil which when tested does not contain any pesticides or heavy metals.

Bristol CBD products contain CBD from hemp that is organically grown. Wherever possible we add the famers organic certification or certificates of analysis pertaining to pesticides and heavy metals next to the relevant product. Below is the organic certification for the farmer that grows the hemp used in Bristol CBD’s broad spectrum CBD oil range.

About Bristol CBD

Bristol CBD is the most trusted CBD brand in the UK with a trust score of 5.0 stars on both Google and Trustpilot. As well as CBD products, Bristol CBD also sell high-spec functional mushrooms including Lion’s Mane, Cordyceps, Shiitake, Chaga, Reishi and Turkey Tail.

We offer unparalleled customer service, support, guidance and advice and a 100% money back guarantee if you are not entirely satisfied with your product.

If you have any questions about how to buy or use CBD or medicinal mushroom products, please feel free to call us on 07706 031 935 at any time. We are always happy to share our experiences and help people to find the best solution for their own needs.

Please note that Bristol CBD staff are not qualified doctors or nurses and therefore we do not make any medical claims and cannot recommend CBD for specific ailments. Our articles are simply based on our own research and over 12 years experience of working with CBD and other supplements. We always encourage people to talk with their GPs, physicians or nurses before taking CBD products.

Short video about the benefits of CBD Paste

The advantages of using Bristol CBD’s CBD Paste

The strongest CBD products that Bristol CBD sell are CBD pastes. CBD paste is a great way to take CBD. Not only are CBD pastes stronger than CBD oils because in a paste you can find more cannabinoids, they also have the added advantage that the paste is very sticky.

Although that might not sound like an advantage, what it means is that when you pop a bit of the paste into your mouth it sticks to the inside of your gums which aids absorption.

This means that CBD paste is less easy to wash it down with a cup of tea and instead this sticky cannabinoids and terpenes and flavonoids will all get absorbed into the bloodstream through the gum walls so it’s a really great way to get the maximum benefit from your CBD.

About Bristol CBD

Bristol CBD is the most trusted CBD brand in the UK with a trust score of 5.0 stars on both Google and Trustpilot. As well as CBD products, Bristol CBD also sell high-spec functional mushrooms including Lion’s Mane, Cordyceps, Shiitake, Chaga, Reishi and Turkey Tail.

We offer unparalleled customer service, support, guidance and advice and a 100% money back guarantee if you are not entirely satisfied with your product.

If you have any questions about how to buy or use CBD or medicinal mushroom products, please feel free to call us on 07706 031 935 at any time. We are always happy to share our experiences and help people to find the best solution for their own needs.

Please note that Bristol CBD staff are not qualified doctors or nurses and therefore we do not make any medical claims and cannot recommend CBD for specific ailments. Our articles are simply based on our own research and over 12 years experience of working with CBD and other supplements. We always encourage people to talk with their GPs, physicians or nurses before taking CBD products.

Cold Pressed CBD Oil – What Are The Benefits?

Cold pressed CBD oil is a type of CBD oil that is extracted from the hemp plant using a process called cold pressing. Cold pressing is a mechanical process that uses high pressure to extract the oil from the plant material. This process does not use any heat or solvents, which helps to preserve the natural nutrients and cannabinoids in the oil.

There are several advantages to using cold pressed CBD oil:

  • It is more natural and unprocessed. Cold pressed CBD oil is not exposed to any heat or solvents during the extraction process, which helps to preserve the natural nutrients and cannabinoids in the oil. This means that cold-pressed CBD oil is a more natural and unprocessed product than other types of CBD oil.
  • It may be more effective. Some studies have shown that cold pressed CBD oil may be more effective than other types of CBD oil. For example, one study (published in the Journal of Integrative Medicine in 2023) found that cold pressed CBD oil was more effective at relieving pain and inflammation than CO2-extracted CBD oil.
  • It contains more terpenes and flavonoids. Terpenes and flavonoids are other beneficial compounds found in the hemp plant. These compounds are thought to work synergistically with CBD to produce a range of therapeutic effects. Cold pressed CBD oil typically contains higher levels of terpenes and flavonoids than other types of CBD oil.

Cold pressed, high terpene CBD oil offers a number of benefits over traditional CBD oil. Terpenes are the aromatic compounds that give cannabis and other plants their unique scent. They are also thought to have a range of therapeutic effects, including:

  • Reducing anxiety and stress
  • Improving mood
  • Relieving pain and inflammation
  • Promoting relaxation and sleep
  • Boosting the immune system

When terpenes are present in CBD oil, they can work synergistically with CBD to produce a stronger and more effective effect. This is known as the entourage effect.

Here are some of the specific benefits of cold pressed CBD oil:

  • Pain relief: Terpenes such as myrcene and caryophyllene have been shown to have analgesic and anti-inflammatory properties. This makes high terpene CBD oil a good option for people who are looking for a natural way to relieve pain and inflammation.
  • Anxiety relief: Terpenes such as limonene and linalool have been shown to have calming and anxiolytic properties. This makes high terpene CBD oil a good option for people who are struggling with anxiety and stress.
  • Improved mood: Terpenes such as limonene and pinene have been shown to have mood-boosting properties.
  • Better sleep: Terpenes such as linalool and myrcene have been shown to have sedative properties. This makes high terpene CBD oil a good option for people who have trouble sleeping.
  • Boosted immunity: Terpenes such as limonene and pinene have been shown to have antimicrobial and antioxidant properties. This suggests that high terpene CBD oil may help to boost the immune system.

If you are looking for a CBD oil that offers the full range of benefits that CBD has to offer, then high terpene, cold pressed CBD oil is a good option to consider.

cold pressed Cbd oil

Please note that more research is needed to confirm the full range of benefits of high terpene CBD oil. However, the existing research suggests that it is a safe and effective product with a wide range of potential therapeutic benefits.

Overall, high terpene, cold pressed CBD oil is a high-quality CBD product that offers a number of advantages over other types of CBD oil. It is more natural and unprocessed, contains more terpenes and flavonoids, and may be more effective.

However, it is important to note that high terpene CBD oil is also typically more expensive than other types of CBD oil. This is because the cold pressing process is more time-consuming and labor-intensive.

If you are looking for a high-quality CBD product that is as natural as possible, then cold pressed CBD oil is a good option to consider.

About Bristol CBD

Bristol CBD is the most trusted CBD brand in the UK with a trust score of 5.0 stars on both Google and Trustpilot. As well as CBD products, Bristol CBD also sell high-spec functional mushrooms including Lion’s Mane, Cordyceps, Shiitake, Chaga, Reishi and Turkey Tail.

We offer unparalleled customer service, support, guidance and advice and a 100% money back guarantee if you are not entirely satisfied with your product.

If you have any questions about how to buy or use CBD or medicinal mushroom products, please feel free to call us on 07706 031 935 at any time. We are always happy to share our experiences and help people to find the best solution for their own needs.

Please note that Bristol CBD staff are not qualified doctors or nurses and therefore we do not make any medical claims and cannot recommend CBD for specific ailments. Our articles are simply based on our own research and over 12 years experience of working with CBD and other supplements. We always encourage people to talk with their GPs, physicians or nurses before taking CBD products.

CBD Entourage Effect from Full Spectrum CBD Oil

CBD has been making its way into mainstream wellness and medicine for some time now. More and more people use it to treat a variety of ailments, from anxiety to pain and even epilepsy. The science behind CBD’s effectiveness is still being studied, but one concept that is gaining ground is the CBD Entourage Effect. In this post, we explore what the Entourage Effect is, how it works, and why it matters to CBD users.

What is the CBD Entourage Effect?

The Entourage Effect is a term coined by Israeli researchers Shimon Ben-Shabat and Raphael Mechoulam in 1998 to explain how CBD works in the body. It refers to how the various compounds in the hemp plant, such as terpenes, flavonoids, and other cannabinoids, work together to enhance the therapeutic effects of CBD. These compounds work together synergistically to increase the effectiveness of CBD by strengthening its impact on the body’s endocannabinoid system, which plays a significant role in regulating many physiological processes, including pain, mood, appetite, and sleep.

The Entourage Effect is based on the belief that the different compounds in cannabis work together to produce better results than when they are used in isolation. However, with the vast array of compounds in cannabis, it can be challenging to isolate a single compound and study its benefits. The research conducted to date supports the notion that the Entourage Effect is real.

A study in the Journal of Psychopharmacology showed that whole-plant CBD extracts were more effective in treating anxiety than pure CBD isolate. In addition, a study in the British Medical Journal showed that whole plant CBD extracts were more effective in treating epilepsy than pure CBD isolate.

The entourage effect’s mechanism comes from the synergy of all the different compounds in cannabis, where each compound enhances the others’ effects. For example, terpenes, the aromatic oils found in the cannabis plant, enhance the therapeutic effects of CBD by increasing its bioavailability and promoting its absorption in the body. Terpenes also contribute to the unique aroma, taste, and color of each cannabis strain, which can have different therapeutic effects depending on the specific strain.

Full Spectrum CBD Entourage Effect
Choose a Full Spectrum or Whole Plant CBD oil if you want to get the Entourage Effect

The Entourage Effect is a complex phenomenon that highlights the importance of using whole-plant extracts to maximize CBD’s therapeutic benefits. Although more research is needed to fully understand the Entourage Effect, it is clear that there is value in using full spectrum CBD products that contain all the compounds found in the hemp plant. By doing so, you can achieve more significant results than by using isolate products.

Keep in mind that every person is different, and some may prefer the effects of broad spectrum CBD over full-spectrum products. However, it is always essential to make an informed choice based on your unique needs and preferences.

About Bristol CBD

Bristol CBD is the most trusted CBD brand in the UK with a trust score of 5.0 stars on both Google and Trustpilot. We also offer unparalleled customer service, support, guidance and advice and a 100% money back guarantee if you are not entirely satisfied with your CBD product.

If you have any questions about how to buy or use CBD products, please feel free to call us on 07706 031 935 at any time. We are always happy to share our experiences and help people to find the best solution for their own needs.

Please note that Bristol CBD staff are not qualified doctors or nurses and therefore we do not make any medical claims and cannot recommend CBD for specific ailments. Our articles are simply based on our own research and over 12 years experience of working with CBD. We always encourage people to talk with their GPs, physicians or nurses before taking CBD products.

Whole Plant, Gold and Broad Spectrum CBD Oils

As awareness about the benefits of CBD oil grows, people are becoming more curious about the different types of CBD oils available. The world of CBD oil can be overwhelming, with different methods of extraction, formulations, and dosage options to consider. In this article we explore three of the most popular forms of CBD oil that are widely available: Whole Plant CBD Oil, Gold CBD Oil, and Broad Spectrum CBD Oil.

Here’s what sets these products apart from one another:

Whole Plant CBD Oil

Whole plant CBD oil is also commonly referred to as “full-plant” or “full-spectrum” CBD oil. As the name suggests, this oil is extracted from the entire hemp plant (latin name: cannabis sativa), including the leaves, flowers and stem. In the UK, whole plant CBD oil contains only trace amounts of THC (tetrahydrocannabinol), below the legal limit of 0.2% so you cannot get ‘high’ from them. In the US, some whole plant CBD oils contain higher levels of THC in the states where THC has been legalised.

Because whole plant CBD oil contains all of the naturally occurring compounds found in the hemp plant, it is a full spectrum CBD oil. This means that it contains many other cannabinoids, such as CBG (Cannabigerol), CBD-A (Cannabidiolic Acid) and CBC (Cannabichromene).

In addition to the full spectrum of cannabinoids, whole plant CBD oils can contain many different terpenes which are the aromatic compounds in the hemp plant like pinene, linalool, myrcene, limonene, caryophyllene, and humulene. Whole plant CBD oils can also contain flavonoids (or cannflavins) such as apigenin, luteolin, kaempferol, quercetin and glycosides.

Scientific studies have shown that the presence of the full spectrum of cannabinoids, terpenes and flavonoids in CBD oil can increase the power and effectiveness of CBD oil. These compounds work in synergy to create an “entourage effect”, which enhances the overall therapeutic benefits of the CBD oil.

The best quality whole plant CBD oils are produced using supercritical CO2 extraction to extract the cannabinoids, terpenes and flavonoids from the hemp plant. This high pressure method also extracts the plant lipids, waxes and chlorophylls from the plant which have a bitter taste.

The one criticism that some people have about whole plant CBD oils is that they have a bitter taste and this can prevent some people from holding the oil in their mouth for very long. As CBD is very bioavailable through the gums and membranes in the mouth, it is important to hold CBD oil under the tongue for a while to increase the absorption of the cannabinoids, flavonoids and terpenes into the bloodstream.

Bristol CBD offer the best value whole plant CBD oils in the UK based on the strength, quality and spectrum of cannabinoids, terpenes and flavonoids. To find out more view the list of whole plant CBD products here.

Gold CBD Oil

Gold CBD oil is also a full spectrum CBD oil containing the desired compounds from hemp plants, such as cannabinoids, terpenes, and flavonoids in order to achieve the entourage effect. However the extraction process is slightly different so that the final CBD oil does not contain the bitter – tasting plant waxes, lipids and chlorophylls.

Gold CBD oil is extracted using sub-critical CO2 extraction which is a process that uses pressurized carbon dioxide in its liquid state as a solvent to extract CBD from hemp plants. When the temperature and pressure of CO2 are controlled, it creates a state between liquid and gas called the sub-critical phase. During this phase, CO2 can efficiently extract the desired compounds from hemp plants, such as cannabinoids, terpenes, and flavonoids while leaving behind the heavier and darker, bitter-tasting plant matter. These means that gold CBD oils have a mild taste that can be more palatable than whole pant oils and some people find it easier to hold gold oils in the mouth for longer.

The sub-critical CO2 extraction method is preferred over other methods because it produces a very clean CBD oil without any residual solvents or chemicals. Moreover, sub-critical CO2 extraction preserves the potency and efficacy of the CBD oil by maintaining the integrity of the plant’s compounds. Due to the costly and intricate nature of this method, only a few CBD manufacturers invest in this method.

Bristol CBD’s gold CBD oils are some of the only CBD products in the UK that are created using the sub-critical CO2 extraction method. This premium-quality CBD oil boasts a high concentration of CBD, as well as a full spectrum of other cannabinoids and plant compounds. Gold CBD Oil has a golden yellow color, which is a sign of its purity and the sub-critical CO2 extraction method used to make it. It contains trace amounts of THC (less than 0.2%) which means it is fully legal in the UK and EU.

Bristol CBD offer the best gold CBD oils in the UK based on the strength, quality and spectrum of cannabinoids, terpenes and flavonoids. To find out more visit the list of gold CBD products here.

Broad Spectrum CBD Oil

In the UK, broad spectrum CBD oils contain high levels of CBD, zero THC and a handful of other cannabinoids such as CBG and CBD-A. To produce broad spectrum CBD oil, several processes including filtration and distillation, are used to get rid of contaminants, leaving behind a pure product that is virtually tasteless.

While full-spectrum CBD oil retains all the cannabinoids, terpenes, and other plant compounds found in hemp, broad spectrum CBD oil is free of THC and most cannabinoids, flavonoids and terpenes making it a preferred option for those who want a cheaper form of CBD oil.

Broad spectrum CBD Oil can be used in various ways, including vaping, sublingual application, or adding it to edibles and skin products. This makes it one of the most versatile forms of CBD oil in the market.

Another advantage of broad spectrum CBD Oil is that it is flavorless. Some forms of CBD oil have a bitter taste or aroma, which may be overwhelming or unappealing, but broad spectrum CBD Oil is free of such qualities, making it very mild in taste.

While both full spectrum and broad spectrum CBD oil are absorbed orally, broad spectrum CBD oil has a simpler, quicker absorption rate into the bloodstream, meaning that you may feel its effects more quickly than other CBD oils.

However because broad spectrum CBD oil contains fewer cannabinoids and other health-giving plant goodness like the terpenes and flavonoids you do not get the entourage effect. Some people may need to use more broad spectrum CBD oil to get the same effect that full spectrum oils achieve.

Bristol CBD’s broad spectrum CBD oils are incredibly good value for money and a great place to start your journey with CBD if you are on a budget. You can find out more about them here.


In conclusion, whole plant CBD oil, gold CBD oil, and broad spectrum CBD oil all have their unique benefits, and choosing the right one for you comes down to personal preference and what effects you are looking for. Full spectrum CBD oils, like whole plant CBD oil and gold CBD oil, are the most potent as they contain all of the cannabinoids, terpenes and flavonoids. Gold CBD oil has a more palatable taste than whole plant CBD oil but is slightly more expensive. Broad spectrum CBD oil is slightly less potent but still provides many of the health benefits associated with CBD oil.

Regardless of which type you choose, sustainable and organic farming and extraction methods are paramount along with the reliability of an authentic CBD product that is lab-tested. It’s recommended to opt for trusted brands that provide full transparency around its products, particularly its extraction and testing methods, to ensure a high-quality and effective product.

About Bristol CBD

Bristol CBD is the most trusted CBD brand in the UK with a trust score of 4.9 stars on both Google and Trustpilot. We also offer unparalleled customer service, support, guidance and advice and a 100% money back guarantee if you are not entirely satisfied with your CBD product.

If you have any questions about how to buy or use CBD products, please feel free to call us on 07706 031 935 at any time. We are always happy to share our experiences and help people to find the best solution for their own needs.

Please note that Bristol CBD staff are not qualified doctors or nurses and therefore we do not make any medical claims and cannot recommend CBD for specific ailments. Our articles are simply based on our own research and over 12 years experience of working with CBD. We always encourage people to talk with their GPs, physicians or nurses before taking CBD products.

CBD: What Does the Science Say?

It’s no secret that more and more people are turning to natural remedies for pain management, many of which include Cannabidiol, or CBD. But when it comes to CBD, what does the science say? An extensive review of literature conducted by Linda A. Parker, Erin M. Rock and Raphael Mechoulam has uncovered some interesting findings about the potential benefits of CBD as a natural remedy for pain relief. One of the authors, Raphael Mechoulam, the Israeli Scientist who led studies into cannabis, recently died aged 92.

The book, CBD: What Does The Science Say?, examined existing studies on the use of CBD for pain management in humans, with a focus on quality randomized controlled trials (RCTs) published between 1980 and 2018. The results showed that there is evidence to suggest that CBD may be effective in reducing chronic pain related to conditions such as multiple sclerosis, arthritis, fibromyalgia and neuropathic pain.

In addition to its potential effectiveness in treating chronic pain, the review also found that CBD was well-tolerated by participants. According to lead author Linda A. Parker “Our research indicates that there is evidence to suggest that CBD could be an effective treatment option for a variety of painful conditions without any significant side effects.”

Erin M. Rock adds “CBD has been used in traditional medicine for centuries but it’s only now that we’re beginning to understand how it works at a molecular level and how it can be used safely and effectively as a therapeutic agent.”

Dr. Raphael Mechoulam further explains “CBD is non-intoxicating so unlike other treatments like opioids or cannabis products containing THC, it won’t cause any psychoactive effects or impair cognitive functioning.”

These findings are promising news for those seeking an alternative remedy for their chronic pain symptoms without fear of side effects or addiction risks associated with other medications. While more research is needed before definitive conclusions can be drawn about the efficacy of CBD as a treatment option, this book provides valuable insight into its potential applications.

CBD: What Does the Science Say

About Bristol CBD

Bristol CBD is the most trusted CBD brand in the UK with a trust score of 4.9 stars on both Google and Trustpilot. We also offer unparalleled customer service, support, guidance and advice and a 100% money back guarantee if you are not entirely satisfied with your CBD product.

If you have any questions about how to buy or use CBD products, please feel free to call us on 07706 031 935 at any time. We are always happy to share our experiences and help people to find the best solution for their own needs.

Please note that Bristol CBD staff are not qualified doctors or nurses and therefore we do not make any medical claims and cannot recommend CBD for specific ailments. Our articles are simply based on our own research and over 12 years experience of working with CBD. We always encourage people to talk with their GPs, physicians or nurses before taking CBD products.

Raphael Mechoulam – Celebrating his Life

The world is mourning the loss of the ‘father of cannabis research,’ Professor Raphael Mechoulam, who passed away on 9th March 2023 at the age of 92. Known for his pioneering work in cannabis science, Mechoulam made groundbreaking discoveries that have had a lasting impact on the world.

Raphael Mechoulam
By Tzahy, Attribution

Dr. Raphael Mechoulam was born in Sofia, Bulgaria in 1930 and moved to Israel with his family when he was 15. After completing his undergraduate studies at Hebrew University in Jerusalem, he obtained a Ph.D. from the Weizmann Institute in Rehovot. In 1964, he became a professor at Hebrew University and began working on his research into cannabis.

The Work of Raphael Mechoulam

In 1964, Raphael Mechoulam made history when he isolated the main psychoactive ingredient found in marijuana – tetrahydrocannabinol (THC). This discovery led to further research into other cannabinoids such as cannabidiol (CBD) and cannabinol (CBN). His work also paved the way for further understanding of how cannabinoids interact with our bodies and how they can be used medicinally.

“Raphael’s contributions were monumental,” said Prof. David Mankuta, former director of the Institute for Drug Research at Hebrew University and a longtime friend of Mechoulam’s. “He was an excellent scientist who always asked questions and looked for answers.”

In addition to his work as a scientist, Mechoulam was also an advocate for medical marijuana use. He spoke out about its potential benefits and pushed for more research into its medicinal properties. He also helped establish clinical trials with cannabis treatments on patients suffering from a wide range of health issues.

“Most of the human and scientific knowledge about cannabis was accumulated thanks to Prof. Mechoulam,” Hebrew University President Asher Cohen said in a statement. “He paved the way for groundbreaking studies and initiated scientific cooperation between researchers around the world. Mechoulam was a sharp-minded and charismatic pioneer.”

Mechoulam’s legacy will live on through his groundbreaking discoveries which have had a profound impact on both medical science and public policy around cannabis-based treatments throughout the world today. His passion for science has been an inspiration to many and will continue to influence future generations of scientists studying cannabis-based therapies.

“His determination to explore uncharted areas has led us down paths we never thought possible,” said Dr Nirit Bernstein, head of Weizmann Institute’s Neurobiology Department where Mechoulam conducted postdoctoral research from 1957-1959 . “He believed that there was something more than what meets the eye, something hidden that needs to be revealed.”

Raphael Mechoulam recently co-authored a book ‘CBD: What Does the Science Say?’ which was published to acclaim last year. The book reviews the current scientific state of knowledge about CBD’s effectiveness in treating epilepsy, cancer, nausea, pain, anxiety, PTSD, depression, sleep disorders, psychosis, and addiction.

Here at Bristol CBD we are forever grateful to Dr. Mechoulam for his incredible efforts to uncover the mysteries of cannabis, CBD and the endocannabinoid system. It was shortly after watching the film, The Scientist, about Professor Mechoulam that we decided to set up a business to help people access high quality CBD products at affordable prices.

Rest in peace, Dr. Mechoulam and thank you. Your work helped millions of people to discover the power of plant medicine and brought hemp and cannabis back to a world that badly needed it.

About Bristol CBD

Bristol CBD is the most trusted CBD brand in the UK with a trust score of 4.9 stars on both Google and Trustpilot. We also offer unparalleled customer service, support, guidance and advice and a 100% money back guarantee if you are not entirely satisfied with your CBD product.

If you have any questions about how to buy or use CBD products, please feel free to call us on 07706 031 935 at any time. We are always happy to share our experiences and help people to find the best solution for their own needs.

Please note that Bristol CBD staff are not qualified doctors or nurses and therefore we do not make any medical claims and cannot recommend CBD for specific ailments. Our articles are simply based on our own research and over 12 years experience of working with CBD. We always encourage people to talk with their GPs, physicians or nurses before taking CBD products.

Organically Grown Hemp: Source CBD Oil Wisely

It’s important to know that not all CBD oils are created equal and there are certain standards you should look for when selecting your CBD product. In particular, look for CBD oil extracted from organically grown hemp that does not contain any pesticides, synthetic fertilisers or heavy metals because it is likely to be safer and possibly higher quality. 

We’ve all heard of the amazing health properties of hemp and its CBD derivatives. But did you know that hemp has one more special ability? It can absorb chemicals from the soil. This means hemp can help to keep our soil healthy and clean by absorbing any dangerous chemicals that might be present in it. 

The chemical absorption process begins with the roots of the hemp plant. The root system is highly advanced and is able to reach deep into the ground, allowing it to absorb nutrients from deeper layers of soil than many other crops. This also allows it to pull up chemicals from deeper layers, as well as any surface-level contaminants such as pesticides and herbicides. Hemp is especially adept at absorbing heavy metals. 

The problem with this is that CBD oil extracted from hemp grown in undesirable environments can be contaminated with these dangerous chemicals. Therefore it is very important that hemp that is grown for the purpose of making CBD oil is grown on fields that have already been cleaned of heavy metals (often by previous hemp crops) and without fertilsers, pesticides or other pollutants.

How can you tell if your CBD oil is safe to use?

According to Robert Thomas of Scientific Solutions, it’s important to make sure the CBD oil you buy has been tested in a lab for quality assurance. This includes testing for pesticides and heavy metals such as arsenic, lead, mercury and cadmium, which may contaminate the product if not properly monitored during production. Such testing also helps ensure that what you’re buying contains an accurate amount of cannabidiol (CBD) and other cannabinoids so you know exactly what you take in each dose.

When buying CBD oil, always check that it has been extracted from organically grown hemp and the oil has been extracted using CO2 extraction, the gold standard of CBD extraction. CO2 extraction ensures that all the beneficial compounds (phytocannabinoids and terpenes) are obtained in the process while ensuring fewer impurities in the extract. Other extraction methods (e.g. cold pressed extraction) can result in less cannabinoids and terpenes and more impurities in the finished CBD oils or pastes.

How does Bristol CBD ensure its CBD oil comes from organically grown hemp?

Bristol CBD checks that their CBD oils contain safe levels of pesticides, heavy metals, bacteria and other toxins. Vigorous lab testing is carried out to show that no toxins are present and that the CBD oils conform to international standards and are safe to use. For example, below is the lab report for our most recent batch of 10% Gold CBD oil

Organically grown CBD

What to check before you buy from a CBD supplier in the UK

It’s important to make sure that what you’re buying is both safe and high-quality. Look for products that have undergone lab tests showing they contain no pesticides or heavy metals before making your purchase.

Also check the levels of cannabinoids in the CBD oil or paste. Your CBD seller should be able to show you a recent lab report showing that the oils that you are buying contain the right levels of CBD and CBD-A (cannabidiol and cannabidiolic acid), other cannabinoids in the spectrum and legal levels of THC (delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol). For example, below is the third party certificate of analysis (COA) report for Bristol CBD’s most recent batch of 10% Gold CBD oil

Organically grown CBD

Learning to check COAs and lab reports before you buy CBD will help ensure that you get the most out of your CBD experience, while feeling secure in knowing that what you’re using is safe and effective.

About Bristol CBD

Bristol CBD is the most trusted CBD brand in the UK with a trust score of 4.9 stars on both Google and Trustpilot. We also offer unparalleled customer service, support, guidance and advice and a 100% money back guarantee if you are not entirely satisfied with your CBD product.

If you have any questions about how to buy or use CBD products, please feel free to call us on 07706 031 935 at any time. We are always happy to share our experiences and help people to find the best solution for their own needs.

Please note that Bristol CBD staff are not qualified doctors or nurses and therefore we do not make any medical claims and cannot recommend CBD for specific ailments. Our articles are simply based on our own research and over 12 years experience of working with CBD. We always encourage people to talk with their GPs, physicians or nurses before taking CBD products.

CBD Moisturisers – How Effective Are They?

CBD Moisturisers are rapidly becoming one of the most popular skin care products on the market. They are used to hydrate, nourish, and protect skin from environmental damage. So how effective are CBD Moisturisers? 

CBD moisturisers are products that contain cannabidiol (CBD) along with other natural ingredients like essential oils and herbal extracts. CBD is a cannabinoid derived from the hemp plant, which has been gaining popularity for its therapeutic properties. 

CBD has been found to have anti-inflammatory properties, which can help reduce redness and irritation in the skin. This makes it a great choice for people suffering from conditions like acne, eczema, psoriasis, and other skin conditions, or for those who just want to keep their skin looking healthy and glowing. 

Potential Benefits of CBD Moisturisers

CBD works by interacting with receptors in the human body known as CB1 and CB2 receptors. These receptors are part of the endocannabinoid system, a system that helps regulate various bodily functions such as sleep, mood, pain perception etc. 

When CBD is applied topically to the skin, it binds to these receptors and helps to regulate inflammation which can reduce redness, itching and other symptoms associated with irritable skin conditions. In addition, CBD has antioxidant properties that can help protect against damage caused by free radicals in the environment. 

Bristol CBD’s Face Moisturiser is also effective at hydrating skin without feeling greasy or heavy. Unlike many traditional creams and lotions, it is fast absorbing and light on the skin. It is also non-comedogenic, meaning it won’t block pores or lead to acne flare ups. 

Additionally, research has found that CBD has antimicrobial properties which can help fight off bacteria on the surface of the skin and reduce acne breakouts. Furthermore, anecdotal evidence suggests that using a moisturiser containing CBD may be beneficial for those suffering from sensitive or dry skin due to its calming effect on irritated areas. 

Finally, using a CBD moisturiser can help improve overall complexion because CBD helps to regulate oil production in the skin, ensuring it remains hydrated without becoming too oily or dry. 

Bristol CBD’s Face Moisturiser with Frankincense and Rose has an added bonus, as the addition of organic essential oils also provide a soothing effect on your senses thanks to their natural fragrances! 

Potential Side Effects of CBD Moisturiser

Like with any other product containing cannabinoids, there is always a chance of experiencing side effects when using a CBD moisturiser. This may include or irritation if you have sensitive skin; however this is rare as most people do not experience any adverse reactions when using these products. 

You should always make sure to read labels before purchasing any product containing CBD so that you know what ingredients are included in it and how much cannabidiol each product contains – this will ensure that you get the desired effects from your chosen product.  

How to Buy CBD Moisturiser

Of course we’re quite biased, but based on our customer feedback we really do believe that Bristol CBD’s Face Moisturiser with Frankincense and Rose is an amazing CBD moisturiser. It smells divine and the feeling we get when applying it to our skin is simply tantalising. We love how our skin feels hours later after the CBD and essential oils have been fully absorbed. Gorgeous.

But don’t take our word for it. Try it out for yourself. Bristol CBD offers a no quibble refund if you are not entirely satisfied with any product.

CBD Moisturiser with Frankincense and Rose

Final Thoughts on CBD Moisturisers

In conclusion, there are many potential benefits associated with using a CBD based moisturiser and if you’re looking for an effective skincare regimen that won’t break the bank while providing you with numerous benefits then consider giving a CBD moisturiser a try! 

However, it is important to note that although research into this area is ongoing there is still much more work needed before definitive conclusions can be drawn about its effectiveness in treating specific skin conditions or providing general protection against ageing signs like wrinkles or fine lines. 

About Bristol CBD

Bristol CBD is the most trusted CBD brand in the UK with a trust score of 4.9 stars on both Google and Trustpilot. We also offer unparalleled customer service, support, guidance and advice and a 100% money back guarantee if you are not entirely satisfied with your CBD product.

If you have any questions about how to buy or use CBD products, please feel free to call us on 07706 031 935 at any time. We are always happy to share our experiences and help people to find the best solution for their own needs.

Please note that Bristol CBD staff are not qualified doctors or nurses and therefore we do not make any medical claims and cannot recommend CBD for specific ailments. Our articles are simply based on our own research. We always encourage people to talk with their GPs, physicians or nurses before taking CBD products.

Is CBD Oil Safe?

The use of CBD (Cannabidiol) has grown exponentially in recent years, as more and more people look to this natural remedy to help address a variety of health concerns. But is CBD oil safe? The short answer is yes, CBD is generally considered safe to use and may provide a number of therapeutic benefits, including relief from anxiety, pain, and inflammation.

First of all, it’s important to note that CBD oil is not the same as cannabis. Unlike cannabis, CBD oil is derived from hemp, which contains very low levels of THC, the psychoactive compound in cannabis that causes the high. This means that CBD oil does not produce any of the intoxicating effects associated with cannabis.

CBD oil is generally considered safe

In terms of safety, CBD oil is generally considered safe for use. According to the World Health Organization, CBD is “generally well-tolerated with a good safety profile.” Furthermore, there have been no reports of serious side effects from taking CBD oil. However, there are some things to keep in mind when considering the safety of taking CBD oil

It is important to talk to a doctor before taking any new supplements, including CBD oil. This is especially true for people who are pregnant or breastfeeding, or who have an existing medical condition. It is also important to note that CBD oil can interact with some medications.

It’s also important to do your research before using CBD. It is important to buy CBD oil from a trusted source, such as a reputable online retailer like Bristol CBD, or a local health food store. Additionally, it is important to read the label carefully and make sure that the product contains no added ingredients, such as artificial flavours or preservatives.

How is CBD oil tested for safety?

To ensure that CBD is safe to use, it’s important to understand the testing process behind it. CBD is typically extracted from the hemp plant and then processed into an oil form. This oil is then tested for its cannabinoid content, as well as its purity.

The cannabinoid content of the oil is tested to ensure that it contains no more than 0.2% THC, the psychoactive compound in cannabis. In addition the test shows how much CBD (cannabidiol) and other cannabinoids like CBG (Cannabigerol) and CBD-A (Cannabidiolic acid). There are over 100 different known cannabinoids but most tests only show a handful as most cannabinoids only appear in trace volumes.

The purity of the oil is also tested to make sure that there are no contaminants present. This includes pesticides, heavy metals, and other potentially harmful substances. This testing process helps to ensure that the oil is safe to use. You can view Bristol CBD’s lab test results to see for yourself exactly what you are buying.

In addition to testing the oil itself, the production process is also tested. This includes testing to make sure that the production facility is free from contaminants and that the equipment used is clean and well-maintained. This helps to ensure that no contaminants are introduced during the production process.

Overall, CBD is generally considered to be safe to use and may provide a number of therapeutic benefits. However it’s important to understand the testing process behind it, however, to ensure that the product is safe and of the highest quality. By doing so, you can ensure that you are taking a safe and effective CBD supplement.

Isl CBD oil safe?
Bristol CBD Oils and Topicals

About Bristol CBD

Bristol CBD is the most trusted CBD brand in the UK with a trust score of 4.9 stars on both Google and Trustpilot. We also offer unparalleled customer service, support, guidance and advice and a 100% money back guarantee if you are not entirely satisfied with your CBD product.

If you have any questions about how to buy or use CBD products, please feel free to call us on 07706 031 935 at any time. We are always happy to share our experiences and help people to find the best solution for their own needs.

Please note that Bristol CBD staff are not qualified doctors or nurses and therefore we do not make any medical claims and cannot recommend CBD for specific ailments. Our articles are simply based on our own research. We always encourage people to talk with their GPs, physicians or nurses before taking CBD products.

CBD and Inflammation 

What is Inflammation?

This article explores the relationship between CBD and inflammation in the body. Inflammation is our body’s natural response to any kind of injury or infection. Inflammation is the body’s way of trying to protect itself when it detects foreign invaders like bacteria, viruses, or toxins. 

When you get injured or ill, your body sends out certain chemicals called inflammatory mediators that trigger an inflammatory response. This means that your immune system will release cytokines—small proteins involved in cell signalling — and white blood cells to fight off the invaders. 

This process causes swelling, redness, heat and pain as these chemicals build up around the injured area. Inflammation can be either acute (short-term) or chronic (long-term). 

Does CBD Reduce Inflammation? 

Cannabidiol, more commonly known as CBD, is a compound found in cannabis and hemp plants. It has been studied extensively over the past few years and has been found to have the potential to reduce inflammation. 

CBD works by interacting with the body’s endocannabinoid system (ECS). This system is responsible for maintaining balance within the body by regulating many physiological functions in the human body, including appetite, sleep patterns, immune response, pain sensation and even inflammation control. 

It does this by producing endocannabinoids which are special molecules that bind to cannabinoid receptors located throughout the body. When these molecules bind with their respective receptors,  it helps regulate body systems, which can help reduce inflammation. 

Specifically, studies have shown that when CBD binds with CB2 receptors it helps reduce inflammation by blocking the cytokines from being released into the bloodstream which stops them from triggering an inflammatory response. 

Scientific Studies on CBD & Inflammation 

A number of studies have been conducted on CBD and inflammation with promising results. In one study conducted on rats suffering from arthritis, researchers found that administering topical CBD reduced joint swelling and prevented further damage caused by oxidative stress. 

In another study involving mice suffering from colitis (inflammation of the colon), researchers found that administering oral CBD had an anti-inflammatory effect and reduced colonic tissue injury as well as intestinal cell death associated with colitis symptoms. 

These findings suggest that CBD could be researched to see whether it could treat other forms of inflammatory disorders such as Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis. 

Taking CBD may also provide a number of other benefits as well. For example, taking CBD oil may help reduce anxiety and stress levels which can further contribute to chronic inflammation if left unchecked. 

Additionally, taking CBD can help improve your mood and promote better sleep quality which can also help your body combat chronic inflammation. 

Finally, taking CBD may also boost your immune system which can help protect you from infections that may lead to further inflammation in the body. 

CBD and Inflammation
Rubbing some CBD Balm onto the hands


In conclusion, there is evidence suggesting that using CBD may help reduce inflammation caused by various medical conditions such as arthritis and colitis. However, more research needs to be done before we can say for certain if and how effective it really is for treating inflammatory disorders. 

Taking CBD may be beneficial for reducing both acute and chronic inflammation in the body. By interacting with our endocannabinoid system, CBD oil may help regulate our inflammatory response which can reduce pain and swelling 

Additionally, taking CBD may provide other benefits such as reduced anxiety levels and improved sleep quality which can further contribute to reducing inflammation in the body over time.

About Bristol CBD

Bristol CBD is the most trusted CBD brand in the UK with a trust score of 4.9 stars on both Google and Trustpilot. We also offer unparalleled customer service, support, guidance and advice and a 100% money back guarantee if you are not entirely satisfied with your CBD product.

If you have any questions about how to buy or use CBD products, please feel free to call us on 07706 031 935 at any time. We are always happy to share our experiences and help people to find the best solution for their own needs.

Please note that Bristol CBD staff are not qualified doctors or nurses and therefore we do not make any medical claims and cannot recommend CBD for specific ailments. Our articles are simply based on our own research. We always encourage people to talk with their GPs, physicians or nurses before taking CBD products.

Choosing the Right CBD Gummy for You

Introduction: CBD gummies are a popular choice for those looking to add CBD to their daily routine, but with so many options on the market, it can be tough to know which one is right for you. Here’s a quick guide to help you choose the right CBD gummy for your needs.

What is a CBD Gummy?
In recent years, cannabidiol (CBD) gummies have become an increasingly popular way to consume this cannabinoid. CBD is a non-intoxicating compound found in cannabis and hemp plants, and it has many potential health benefits. Unlike THC, the other main cannabinoid found in cannabis, CBD does not cause any psychoactive effects. This means that it will not make you feel “high.”

CBD Gummies
Have you ever tasted a CBD gummy?

CBD gummies are edible candies that contain CBD oil. They are usually made with fruit juice and other natural flavours.

When shopping for CBD gummies, it’s important to look for products that are made with all-natural ingredients and that contain no more than 0.2% THC. You’ll also want to make sure the product has been third-party tested for quality and safety.

The Different Types of CBD Gummies
Now that you know what to look for in a quality product, let’s take a look at some of the different types of CBD gummies that are available. One CBD Gummy is not necessarily the same as another!

Full-Spectrum CBD Gummies: Full-spectrum CBD gummies contain all of the cannabinoids, terpenes, and flavonoids found in hemp plants. This means they provide the “entourage effect,” which is thought to offer more health benefits than CBD alone. However, full-spectrum gummies may also contain trace amounts of THC (no more than 0.2%).

Broad-Spectrum CBD Gummies: Broad-spectrum CBD gummies are similar to full-spectrum gummies in that they contains multiple cannabinoids and other plant compounds. However, all of the THC has been removed through a process called chromatography. This makes them a good option for those who want the entourage effect but don’t want any THC in their system. Bristol CBD Vegan Gummies are made from our Broad Spectrum CBD as we believe these are the best option for people that do not want even trace THC.

CBD isolate Gummies: As the name suggests, these gummies are made with pure CBD isolate, which means they don’t contain any other cannabinoids or plant compounds. While they don’t offer the entourage effect, they’re a cheaper option for those who just want to try CBD to see if it works for them..

Where to buy CBD Gummies

The best place to buy CBD Gummies would be from Bristol CBD because we are the most trusted CBD supplier in the UK with a trust score of 4.9 stars on both Google and Trustpilot. We also offer unparalleled customer service, support, guidance and advice and a 100% money back guarantee if you are not entirely satisfied with your CBD product.

If you have any questions about how to buy or use CBD products, please feel free to call us on 07706 031 935 at any time. We are always happy to share our experiences and help people to find the best solution for their own needs.


CBD gummies are a popular way to consume CBD Oil. They offer all of the potential benefits of CBD, without any of the psychoactive effects associated with THC . This makes them a good choice for people who want to enjoy the potential benefits of cannabis without experiencing any ” high.”

There are a lot of factors to consider when choosing the right CBD gummy for you, but by keeping these tips in mind, you’ll be sure to find a product that fits your needs. With so many potential benefits, there’s no reason not to give them a try!

Full Spectrum CBD Oil UK – How to Not Fail a Drug Test


Full Spectrum CBD Oil UK contains a plethora of healthy compounds (cannabinoids, terpenes, flavanoids, omegas etc) but must contain less than 0.2% THC. Using this oil ensures you get the full entourage effect without any chance of getting ‘high’ or failing a drugs test.

What is Full Spectrum CBD Oil UK?

CBD is short for cannabidiol (pronounced KAN-u-bi-DY-ol), which is just one of over 100 cannabinoids in the hemp plant. Full Spectrum CBD Oil UK is a type of CBD that contains all the cannabinoids found in hemp. This means it includes cannabidiol (CBD), along with other compounds called terpenes, flavonoids and others. Scientists have shown that using a full spectrum CBD oil provides the entourage effect.

The entourage effect refers to the fact that when you take full spectrum CBD oil, your body absorbs more of these other compounds than if you were taking only cannabidiol (CBD) alone. This is important because the compounds work together to have a synergistic effect (i.e. they work together to amplify the potential benefits of CBD).

The reason why this matters is because each cannabinoid has different effects on the endocannabinoid system—the body’s natural system that regulates many processes in our bodies from mood fluctuations to appetite regulation. When you take multiple cannabinoids at once, they work together synergistically by helping each other out instead of just acting independently like some single-component supplements do.

The CBD oils sold at Bristol CBD contains a range of active ingredients, such as CBG (cannabigerol), CBC (cannabichromene), THCV (Tetrahydrocannabivarin) and more than 100 others. All these different cannabinoids can interact with each other in various ways, increasing or decreasing their potency depending on how they’re being used. This is why full spectrum CBD oil in the UK works so well – because it’s not just one thing but rather an entire cocktail of different compounds working together synergistically.

As well as containing a full spectrum of cannabinoids, Bristol CBD’s oils also contain terpenes. Terpenes are what give plants their individual smell, taste and colour as well as their various medicinal properties. Some terpenes may even act as a neurotransmitter and play a role in how your brain works.

Full spectrum CBD oil UK products are more complex than just a single compound and this is why they are much more effective than synthetic or isolate CBD oils which only contain the one ingredient – cannabidiol.

THC Levels

THC is the main psychoactive component of cannabis and is what gets users “high.” CBD and other cannabinoids, on the other hand, are non-psychoactive and do not produce a “high.” In the UK, full spectrum CBD oil is only legal if it contains less than 0.2% THC. This THC level is so low that it will not produce any psychoactive effects. This maximum THC level in the UK is lower than the US where it is 0.3%. The strict level of THC in the UK below 0.2% means full spectrum CBD oil UK is safe and guaranteed not to show up on a drugs test.

Even though THC levels are low, full spectrum CBD oil may still interact with certain medications, so it’s important to talk to your doctor before using it. There are many benefits to using full spectrum CBD oil UK, as the country has some of the highest quality products available as it is tightly regulated. If you’re looking for a natural way to improve your health, Bristol CBD’s 10% full spectrum CBD oil is definitely worth considering. It has a great taste, having had most of the bitter plant material removed and has a very full spectrum of cannabinoids and terpenes for the full entourage effect.


Using Full Spectrum CBD Oil UK ensures you get the full entourage effect when all of the cannabinoids and terpenes work together to boost each others effectiveness. This means that you get more bang for your buck. It also means that the THC levels are almost non existent.

Now that you know what full spectrum CBD oil is, it’s time to buy some. The best place would be from Bristol CBD because we are the most trusted CBD in the UK with a trust score of 4.9 stars on both Google and Trustpilot. We also offer unparalleled customer service, support, guidance and advice and a 100% money back guarantee if you are not entirely satisfied with your CBD product.

f you have any questions about how to buy or use CBD products, please feel free to call us on 07706 031 935 at any time. We are always happy to share our experiences and help people to find the best solution for their own needs.

Full spectrum CBD oils UK
Full Spectrum CBD Oils UK

The Strongest CBD Paste (UK) is Bristol CBD

CBD paste is becoming increasingly popular in the UK as more people learn about the potential health benefits of cannabidiol (CBD) and discover how potent and versatile the strongest CBD paste form is.

What is CBD Paste?

CBD paste is simply the extract from organically grown hemp plants – it comes out as a sticky black or dark green paste containing the full spectrum of cannabinoids, terpenes and plant goodness. Whole plant CBD paste is as close to nature as possible with nothing added or taken away.

CBD paste is a concentrated form of CBD that can be consumed in many different ways. You can take it sublingually, add it to food or drinks, or even use it topically.

You can also use CBD paste to make your own CBD oil as explained below. This makes CBD paste a versatile product that can be enjoyed by everyone, regardless of their preferred method of taking CBD.

How is it made?

The strongest CBD paste is made by extracting cannabinoids and other plant materials from the hemp plant using CO2 extraction in a lab. By simply blasting the plant material with high pressure CO2, the paste is released from the membranes and is captured, mixed and tested. The sticky paste is then placed in plastic syringes for easy consumption.

How To Use CBD Paste?

CBD paste is most commonly taken sublingually, which means placing it under the tongue and letting it dissolve into the bloodstream. This allows for quick and easy absorption of CBD into the body.

If you’ve never used cannabidiol before, starting with a low dose is always best. If you are using Bristol CBD’s 30% CBD paste then we recommend starting with an amount of paste equivalent to half a grain of rice. If you are a more seasoned user then you may be using a long grain of rice amount of CBD paste.

Place the desired amount of paste onto your finger and then rub it into the inside of your cheek or under your tongue. Hold the paste in your mouth for at least 60 seconds before swallowing. This allows time for the mucous membranes in your mouth to absorb the cannabidiol before it enters your digestive system.

You can also add CBD paste to hot food or drinks. Simply stir in a small amount of paste until it’s fully dissolved, then enjoy! Adding CBD paste to food or drinks is a great way to make your favourite recipes even healthier.

You can also apply CBD paste topically by applying it directly to the skin. But be careful as the strongest CBD paste is sticky and dark in colour so it can stain your clothing. It is probably better to use Bristol CBD’s skin and muscle rub or CBD Sports Spray for topical CBD use.

CBD paste is a versatile product that can be enjoyed in many different ways. Experiment and find the method that works best for you!

The advantages of CBD paste

Some people prefer to consume CBD paste because they believe it is more effective than other forms of CBD, such as CBD oil. CBD paste is extremely potent, so you only need a small amount to feel the full effects of CBD. Here at Bristol CBD we offer CBD pastes of 23% and 30% CBD respectively whereas our strongest CBD oils are 20% CBD. This is because the stronger the whole plant CBD oil is the more viscous it becomes. Anything above 20% CBD and it becomes too viscous to use as an oil. CBD paste however is dispensed using a plastic CBD paste syringe so the CBD paste can be thick and viscous, just as nature intended.

But the main advantage of using CBD paste, in our opinion, is that it is so STICKY! We know that we have to hold CBD in our mouths for as long as possible so that it gets absorbed in to the bloodstream but often, when using CBD oils, we can forget to hold the oil under our tongue and swallow it too soon.

With CBD paste, the sticky paste actually sticks to the gums and is very hard to swallow. This means that more of the CBD and other cannabinoids and terpenes are absorbed into the body. Essentially by using CBD paste you get more CBD for less money. Although CBD paste syringes are more expensive, they last a lot longer.

Another advantage of CBD paste is that you can use it to make your own 5% CBD oil. Simply squeeze out 1.66 grams of 30% CBD paste into a small saucepan and gently melt it on a hob being careful not to heat it to the point of evaporation. CBD paste melts at about 65 degrees centigrade so very little heat is needed to melt the paste. Once the paste has melted simply stir in 8.34 grams of the carrier oil of your choice into the paste, mixing well. We recommend using organic hemp seed oil or organic MCT oil as the carrier oil. Allow your oil / paste mix to cool down and then pour it into an empty 10ml dropper bottle. Voila!

Where to get the strongest CBD Paste in the UK

We love whole plant, full spectrum CBD in all its forms but our go to is the strongest CBD paste from Bristol CBD. This thick, concentrated form of CBD can be taken sublingually, added to food or drinks, or even used topically. Bristol CBD sell CBD pastes of 23% and 30% CBD with a full spectrum of cannabinoids and terpenes included and all the plant goodness you’ll ever need.

If you’re looking for a powerful and convenient way to get your daily dose of CBD, then give CBD paste a try today and see for yourself how amazing it is!

30% CBD Paste
30% CBD Paste

CBD Oil and Meditation – A Powerful Combination.

Meditation is a practice that has been used for centuries to promote relaxation and well-being. In recent years, meditation has become increasingly popular as a way to reduce stress and improve mental health. So too, has taking CBD oil. And now we know that full spectrum CBD oil and meditation actually work together synergistically to create more mental peace and clarity.

Scientists discovered that CBD (cannabidiol) and other cannabinoids in CBD oil boost the endocannabinoid system, improving well-being and increasing balance in the body. And now, there is increasing evidence that practicing mindfulness, meditation and breathing exercises also fires up the endocannabinoid system with similar results. Research has shown that using whole plant CBD oil alongside meditation can offer a host of increased benefits, including reducing anxiety, improving sleep, and increasing focus and concentration.

Christine Heilbron from Yoga Basics explains that using CBD oil together with practicing meditation helps by:

  • Increasing our ability to concentrate – we focus on sensations and less on random thoughts.
  • Stabilising and improving our mood – through the production of serotonin in our brains.
  • Decreasing stress and anxiety – less worry and stress helps us to enjoy being present.
  • Reducing pain and muscle soreness – improved range of motion and ability to sit still.

So if we take CBD oil before our meditation practice we may find that it is easier to drop into the present moment, as our minds are already a little bit calmer and more focused. And it’s a virtuous circle – the more we meditate and calm the mind, the more that CBD is able to increase that sense of calm and peace rather than just reducing anxiety.

Mark Dunn, founder of Bristol CBD and a mindfulness meditation coach says, “When I first took CBD oil I was amazed. I felt like I had just finished a 10 day meditation retreat. Taking CBD oil has made it easier for me to be present and to drop into mindful moments.”

CBD Oil and Meditation – Some Practical Tips

For many people, the idea of meditation conjures up images of monks sitting cross-legged on mountain tops. But the truth is, meditation is a practice that can be enjoyed by anyone, anywhere. The most accessible form of meditation is simply the practice of focusing on our breathing. The key is simply to do it, even for just a minute or two a day.

For many busy people, the thought of setting aside even a few minutes for meditating and breathing exercises can seem impossible. But the truth is we do not need to find time to practice intentional breathing. We can focus on our breathing any time of day – while we are sitting in meetings, doing the washing up, or even while we are out walking. It’s simply about shifting our focus!

Seated Breath Meditation

We can practice seated breathing exercises at work, on the bus or at home – anytime we are sat still. Taking a few minutes to focus on our breathing, even with our eyes open, actually helps us to relax and unplug from the stress of the day. Here are a few quick and simple breathing exercises to try:

  1. Belly Breath – Sit up straight and place one hand on your stomach. Slowly inhale through your nose, feeling your stomach expand. Then exhale through your mouth, feeling your stomach contract. Repeat 6 times.
  2. Extended Exhale – Relax back in your chair and take slow, deep breaths through the nose if possible. Inhale for a count of four, then exhale for a count of eight. Repeat 6 times.
  3. Box breathing – Inhale slowly for a count of four, hold your breath for a count of four, and then exhale slowly for a count of four. Hold your breath out for a count of four. Repeat 6 times.

Each of these practices take less than 3 minutes to practice but we have found great benefits from simply remembering to do a few each day. We feel calmer, more at peace and less trapped in the dramatic stories that our minds can sometimes generate.

CBD Oil and Walking Meditation

We don’t have to be sitting still to practice breathing exercises. Walking outdoors is a great way to get some exercise and fresh air, but we can also use it as an opportunity to improve our mental health. Just by adding a few simple breathing exercises and a few drops of CBD oil to our walking routine, we can help to calm our incessant minds as well as increasing lung capacity and improving overall respiratory health.

One breathing exercise that we use when walking is to focus on the feeling of our feet walking on the ground as we also focus on breathing through the nose. As we walk and breath we simply count to four in our head, like this:

“In, two, three, four” (during the inhalation)

“Out, two, three, four” (during the exhalation)

“In, two, three, four” (during the inhalation)


It’s a bit like a marching chant, but one in which we get to choose our own speed, rhythm and style. After a minute or two of mental counting, we often let go of the counting and just try to focus on the breathing and the walking sensations in our feet.

We may only do this meditation for a short amount of time before we lose focus on the breath and our mind wanders again. But whenever we notice that we are thinking there is an opportunity to step back into focusing on our breath and our feet.

Whenever we feel like it, we can just count the breath in time with our footsteps. The more we practice it, the easier it gets to step out of the thinking mind and back into a short breathing meditation.

In addition to helping with lung health, these breathing exercises can also help to reduce stress. Walking and taking CBD oil also have the added benefit of supporting the autonomic nervous system and further reducing stress. So why not try heading out for a walk, taking a few drops of CBD oil beforehand and setting the intention to add a few deep breathing exercises to the mix. Notice how you feel afterwards!

Practicing Breathing Exercises throughout the day

As well as practicing meditation when sitting down or walking, we have found there are ample opportunities to check in with our breathing throughout the day. With a little practice (and CBD oil), we soon found that we really enjoyed practicing the breathing exercises and have built them into more aspects of life.

We breathe consciously in the shower, while waiting for the kettle to boil or while doing some sit-ups. We also love taking short moments to connect with our breath while doing household chores, like washing up or making the bed. And, dare we say it, even intimate moments with our partners seem to improve when we practice being more present by connecting with our breath and focusing on the sensations of touch rather than getting stuck in thought.

CBD Oil and Meditation – Summary

In summary, CBD oil and meditation individually help to calm the thinking mind and allow us to step outside the endless dramas that our thoughts can conjure up. But when we combine the two together we find a deeper freedom and mastery of the mind.

CBD oil and meditation can be used together to promote relaxation and stress relief – taking CBD oil and then practicing mindful breathing for just a few minutes each day can bring a deeper sense of peace, calm, and self-control as well as improving respiratory health.

And the more often we interrupt the thinking mind with moments of presence and breath, the more we step away from emotions like anxiety, sadness, anger and guilt. These little moments of peace are more grounded in reality, not stuck in stressful stories.

From this more relaxed state, we find we’re better equipped to handle stressful situations when they do actually arise in real life…


For more information about mindfulness, meditation and positive thinking, please contact Mark Dunn via

For more information about CBD oil, please visit

For breathing apps we recommend Breathe (it’s free on Android and IOS), which you can use to time regular breathing (e.g. 5 seconds inhale, 5 seconds exhale) and, while you breath consciously for a minute, you can do something physical.

Further Reading: Breath by James Nestor

Feel Healthy and Happy – Seven Simple Habits

Feeling Good Is A Balancing Act…

Our health, happiness and well-being is all about being balanced – whether that is through creating work-life balance, eating a balanced diet or practising emotional stability. Being an extremist may work for a while but, in the long run, being balanced turns out to be a much better strategy if we want to feel healthy and happy.

But did you know that there is a system in our bodies which has the sole purpose of creating internal equilibrium and restoring balance? Scientists call this system the ‘Endocannabinoid system’ (or ECS for short) and there are seven simple ways to boost it.

Most people haven’t even heard of the endocannabinoid system (ECS), which isn’t surprising because it is almost never mentioned on TV or in magazines. Even our GPs and doctors are largely unaware of it as the ECS is rarely taught in our universities and hospitals.

But when we consider that the ECS is critical for almost every aspect of our body’s functioning, we start to realise that developing an understanding of how to work with and enhance our own endocannabinoid system is vitally important for our long-term health and happiness.

As Dr Ethan Russo says, “the idea of not educating people on the ECS is incomprehensible because it is fundamental to how our bodies work”.

What Is The Endocannabinoid System?

So what exactly is the endocannabinoid system? The ECS is a vast network of chemical signals and receptors that are densely packed throughout our brains and bodies. The job of this network is to regulate things in the body, by turning up or down the activity of whichever system needs to be adjusted, whether that is hunger, inflammation or alertness.

The endocannabinoid system (ECS) was first identified in the early 1990s by researchers exploring THC, a well-known phyto-cannabinoid that creates a euphoric high feeling. (Phyto-cannabinoids are compounds found in cannabis, hemp and some other plants.)

To date, scientists have discovered that the ECS regulates and balances many of our critical bodily functions such as learning, memory, pain, body temperature, emotional processing, sleep, appetite and immune responses. So, if we want to feel healthy and happy, then we need to boost our endocannabinoid system.

How To Boost Your Endocannabinoid System

Fortunately you don’t need to get high on THC to have a healthy endocannabinoid system. Taking CBD oil, which does not contain THC, has been shown to help the ECS to do its job of balancing us out.

Scientists are not entirely sure how CBD works. Many believe it works by preventing our existing endocannabinoids from being broken down. This allows them to have more of an effect on your body. Others believe that CBD binds to a receptor that hasn’t been discovered yet.

However taking CBD oil is not the only way to improve your ECS or to be more balanced. In fact, scientists are beginning to understand that, to be happy and healthy, the trick is to feed and fire up your endocannabinoid system in a number of different ways.

According to Dr Rachel Knox, a clinical endocannabinologist, there are seven simple habits that we can practice to help our endocannabinoid system work more effectively and for us to feel healthy and happy. These are:

1. Eat Real Food

Eating whole foods like fruit, vegetables and fish and avoiding processed foods is a vital step to providing us with the building blocks to produce our own internal endocannabinioids (chemicals like Anandamide and 2-AG). The more cannabinoids we can produce in our body through eating nutritious whole foods, the more we are able to fire up the ECS and achieve balance.

2. Mindfulness Meditation And Deep Breathing

Training ourselves to become aware of our breathing helps us notice when we have become stressed. Using slow, deep breathing helps us to move out of the stress state. Stress has been shown to hamper ECS function and breathing meditations have been proven to increase production of cannabinoids in the body. For more information about how to learn simple, yet effective meditation techniques please visit Positive Meditation.

3. Pamper Yourself Or Others

Giving or receiving massage or soothing touch has been shown to stimulate the endocannabinoid system. For more information check out Massage Today. At Bristol CBD we sell a high quality CBD massage oil to further boost the ECS.

4. Detox Your Body

Taking time to detox cleanses our bodies and reduces inflammation by ridding us of harmful toxins, which may hamper the normal functioning of the ECS. This can be done gently by intermittent fasting or via juice fasting or water fasting. Patrick Holford offers an excellent guide to detoxing here.

5. Get Better Quality Sleep

Sleeping better has been shown to improve ECS function. According to Project CBD using CBD oil can help us sleep better and avoiding things that interrupt sleep like alcohol, caffeine and watching screens before bed has been shown to aid deeper sleep. Matthew Walker’s brilliant book ‘Why We Sleep‘ explains why sleep is so important and is full of tips on what we can do to get better sleep.

6. Exercise And Move Your Body

Recent research findings show that exercise increases serum concentrations of endocannabinoids. An hour of walking each day and a few minutes of simple stretching or yoga exercises are enough. Many people equate exercise with going to the gym, sweating and pain. But simply moving our bodies and being less sedentary seems to be just as beneficial.

7. Take Good Quality Supplements

Taking multi-vitamins and other health supplements like CBD oil, magnesium, 5 HTP, turmeric and adaptogenic herbs and spices can soothe and tone the endocannabinoid system, thereby aiding restoration. Always ensure you buy supplements from companies with good reviews. If you are looking to buy CBD oil or other supplements make sure you read our recent article ‘How to Buy Safe, Effective and Reasonably Priced CBD Oil‘.

Feel Happy And Healthy – Starting With Baby Steps

It may seem a little daunting to try and master all seven of these habits at once but our team at Bristol CBD have tried and tested these with a few baby steps and we quickly began to notice an improvement. We recently started using a breathing app called Breathe to help us focus on breathing and a Fitbit to count our walking steps. We also started taking more supplements and we stopped watching screens before bed. We even started giving each other massages!

Our anecdotal experiences match the emerging science of the endocannabinoid system – it seems the better we are at taking the time to practice these seven habits, the happier and more balanced we feel.

If you have any questions about how you could incorporate these habits into your own life, please feel free to call us on 07706 031 935 at any time. We are always happy to share our experiences and help people to find the best solution for their own needs.


Written by Bristol CBD, The Trusted CBD Specialists

Bristol CBD - Feel Healthy and Happy
Bristol CBD – Feel Healthy and Happy

The cheapest CBD oil is usually to be avoided…

How to Buy Safe, Effective and Reasonably Priced CBD Oil

New to CBD oil? This hemp-derived food supplement is one of the most popular health foods on the market right now and for good reason! It’s natural, it’s derived from hemp, and it doesn’t cause any sort of high. Our customers report that using CBD helps them with a number of issues such as sleep, mood, pain, stress and more. But when it comes to buying CBD, it’s important not to get taken in by sellers who are more concerned about making money than providing you with a quality product. The cheapest CBD oil is usually one to avoid…

If you are new to buying CBD oil and other products containing the chemical compound cannabidiol (CBD), this guide will help make the process easier and more convenient, allowing you to buy from reputable sellers and ensuring that what you receive is safe, reliable and reasonably priced. If you don’t know where to start (or what to look for), read on!

What is CBD?

CBD – short for cannabidiol – is a compound found in the cannabis plant that has numerous health benefits. Unlike THC (tetrahydrocannabinol) – another chemical found in the cannabis plant – which produces psychoactive effects when consumed, CBD does not give users a “high.” Instead, it works with your body to promote relaxation and reduce anxiety, while also helping to relieve pain caused by inflammation or injury. The World Health Organisation stipulates that CBD is non-toxic, non-addictive, and non-psychoactive and, to date, there are no reports of serious side-effects.

Buying CBD oil based on price alone can be a serious mistake

If you’re on a budget and want to try CBD oil for the first time, you may be tempted by the cheapest CBD oils on the market. However, be aware that cheap CBD oils may not be reliable in terms of quality control or strength. In our experience (and based on customer feedback), there are several companies selling cheap CBD oils that are less effective and potentially untested.

Scientific studies have shown that careful selection of a product is crucial for both safety and potential efficacy.

The cheapest CBD oil is usually low quality and labelling often lacks transparency

The main issue with cheap CBD is that it is usually low quality and lacks detailed information on the label. Some brands have beautiful packaging but often contain cheap, low quality CBD oils.

The cheapest CBD oil products are usually made from isolate CBD, which is produced synthetically through a series of chemical reactions, yielding a highly pure form of CBD.

Although isolate CBD is extremely cheap to make, it does not contain any phyto-cannabinoids (plant made cannabinoids) or terpenes that you usually get from high quality hemp plants. Isolate CBD is a very processed form of CBD, and very far from how nature intended it.

Sellers can easily and cheaply make low quality CBD products by mixing isolated, synthetic cannabinoids like CBD and CBG together and then claiming they are broad spectrum or even full spectrum oils.

In addition, some brands use terpenes extracted from plants other than cannabis – like pine trees or citrus fruit – in their products. While these additives might improve the scent and taste of your CBD oil, they may not be as effective and their long term use may not have been tested.

The best CBD will contain full or broad spectrum hemp extract

The best CBD oils will contain full or broad spectrum hemp extract. Full spectrum means that the oil contains all of the cannabinoids naturally present in the hemp plant. The best full spectrum CBD oils are pulled from hemp using CO2 extraction, which preserves as much of the natural oils, cannabinoids and terpenes as possible.

Broad spectrum means that you can expect to find a number of phyto-cannabinoids: CBD, CBG, CBC and possibly others, present in the final CBD oil but not as many as you would find in a full spectrum CBD oil. A true broad spectrum oil is made by distilling hemp extract, not by combining synthetic isolates.

The reason full or broad spectrum extracts are preferred is because they have more health benefits than CBD alone. The phyto-cannabinoids in the plant act synergistically with each other to provide a stronger therapeutic effect.

Five key things to check before you buy CBD oil

With all of the different brands, varieties and suppliers out there, choosing the best product can be confusing – especially if you are new to buying CBD oil. But, by keeping a few things in mind, you’ll find that shopping for CBD products can actually be easy, enjoyable and convenient.

Here are the 5 key things to check before you buy:

  1. The most important thing to keep in mind is the quality of the product. There are many different types of CBD available on the market today and they each have their own unique effects on your body and mind. You should always choose an oil that is third party lab-tested so that you can see exactly what cannabinoids are in the bottle.
  2. Look to see if the label specifies whether it is isolate, broad spectrum, full spectrum or, ultimately, whole plant CBD. Whole plant and full spectrum CBD oils are the closest to nature and usually the highest quality. Isolate or ‘pure’ CBD is the lowest quality and generally ineffective, except at very high doses.
  3. How was the CBD oil extracted. e.g. distillation or CO2 extraction (sub-critical or super-critical are the best) or via some other means. There may not always be clear information about what type of extraction process was used to produce the oils. This should be a red flag.
  4. Read the reviews from existing customers. A good CBD company will have high customer feedback ratings on Google, Trustpilot or other review sites which the seller cannot edit or control. It is usually worth taking the time to read the actual reviews to see what customers liked or did not like about the company, its service and its products.
  5. Speak with the company that you are buying from. The quality of the customer service that you get and the information that the seller provides can be a good way to get a feel for the company and their passion for high quality CBD. A good CBD company may be willing to offer you a money-back guarantee if you are not 100% satisfied. This shows that the company really believes in what they are selling and they are not selling ineffective oils.

While it is possible to find retailers offering low priced CBD oils, the quality of the CBD and the quality of the information about the CBD are often lacking.

Some retailers do not have great customer reviews on their CBD products because they sell overpriced or poor quality CBD. Often their staff do not really understand the different types of CBD and cannot advise you which product to buy or how to use it.

Taking the time to check these 5 key ‘Buying CBD’ tips can make all the difference!


With this information in hand, you’re now ready to buy your CBD product. If you’re looking for a good place to start, we recommend checking out our favourite CBD oils here. Or if you would like more information about the best products for your needs, feel free to contact us!

We love talking about CBD and helping others find their perfect CBD match. You can call Bristol CBD on 07706 031 935 or email us at

30% CBD Paste

CBD Coffee – Coffee Without The Jitters!

Bristol CBD and Wogan Coffee Launch the Ultimate Pick Me Up

Bristol Life Magazine speak to Anand Mavani and James Wogan, Directors of Bristol CBD and Wogan’s Coffee respectively, about the benefits of their new CBD Coffee. 

Bristol CBD Coffee

Why have you created Bristol CBD Coffee?

Anand: A cup of coffee is an important daily routine for many of us but too much coffee can leave people feeling a bit edgy. So we started thinking, what if the jittery side-effects of coffee could be mitigated using cannabidiol (CBD), as CBD is known to be calming. We spent many months working with the team at Wogan’s to get the recipe just right.

James: We read an article in the Chicago Tribune about CBD Coffee and it really peaked our interest. We wanted to make a new coffee that could amplify the alertness that coffee gives you while eradicating any unsettled feelings. As CBD is known to relieve stress, it combines perfectly with caffeine to even you out.

What are the benefits of drinking CBD Coffee?

James: CBD and coffee is the ultimate combination – you feel focused yet calm, even after that naughty third cup! The CBD in the coffee also supports the endocannabinoid system to promote better general health.

Anand: Caffeine and CBD both act to elevate your mood. So, if these two are combined, you feel much more energized than after a normal cup of coffee. Caffeine gives you the kick you need to boost your energy levels and focus, and CBD helps you to stay relaxed and balanced.

Why did you choose to partner with each other?

James: To us, partnering with Bristol CBD was a no-brainer – they have incredible values, and are making a significant contribution ecologically through their reforestation partnership with local charity Tree Sisters. 

Not only that but their passion for CBD and its health-giving benefits is incredible. Partnering with the UK’s most trusted CBD brand (honestly, take a minute to read their Trustpilot reviews) means that we know we’re in very safe hands.

Anand: Wogan’s Coffee is our ‘go to’ coffee brand. With three generations of experience behind them, they stand head and shoulders above other coffee roasters in Bristol. In addition we love that their coffee comes from Fairtrade sources – working with other ethical businesses is important to us.

Where Can I Buy Bristol CBD Coffee?

Anand: Anyone looking for our CBD coffee should head over to the Bristol CBD website. You can order online for home delivery or find a list of stockists. We have 2 pack sizes; 100g which contains enough coffee for 10 cups and 200g which contains 20 cups. Each cup delivers 20mg of CBD so we recommend no more than three cups per day to keep within the 70mg CBD maximum daily intake.

Remember, you can receive 20% off your first pack with the discount code ‘COFFEE20’. Simply click here, choose your coffee and redeem your discount at checkout.

Any advice for people out there thinking of trying CBD for the first time? 

Anand: This coffee is a wonderful way for newbies to experience the benefits of CBD but we also sell a wide range of oral CBD oils, supplements, chocolates, gummies, balms and other skin care products so there is literally something for everyone! 

What’s more, we have a dedicated customer care team on hand to help with any questions. Simply give us a call or send us an email and we can help to get you started.

Bristol CBD can be reached by phone on 07706 031 935 or by emailing We love to help.

Yummy Keto CBD Chocolate Recipe

If you’re anything like us at Bristol CBD HQ, then you will love Chocolate!

Following on from our recent Keto Energy Bites Recipe we have been on a real Keto / sugar-free journey…Our latest obsession is the wonderful world of Keto CBD Chocolates.

This recipe takes a few minutes to mix together, and is super versatile in terms of ingredients you can add to refine the taste. The end result is a delicious, low calorie, sugar-free Keto chocolate treat!

Winning 😇

Here are your main ingredients & instructions for the Keto CBD Chocolate Recipe (our recipe makes 6 tasty servings)

A bit more about the ingredients: 

Cacao butter: We tend to buy this in bulk as it saves us a lot of cash in the long run. You can find decent online sources to suit your budget & your taste buds!

Cacao powder: We have opted for unroasted raw cacao powder, you can find this online in bulk as well. It’s super handy to have around and can be used in so many recipes and meals.

Erythritol: A wonderful alcohol sugar with zero calories (you can learn more about this & see it in action in our recent Keto Energy Bites Recipe). Erythritol is one of the most neutral sugars out there & it doesn’t affect your carb intake.

Time to add some CBD Oil for an extra health & balancing kick:

We wanted each of the 6x chocolate bars to contain 25mg CBD, so for this recipe we used 4x whole pipettes (roughly 15 drops in each pipette) of our favourite 500mg 5% Gold Bristol CBD Oil.

This Gold CBD oil is great for cooking because it doesn’t harbour the bitter flavour of our other CBD Oils. It’s perfectly disguised in food! You can learn more about the differences between our Gold & Whole plant CBD Oils in our handy CBD Guide here

To make this Keto CBD Chocolate Recipe :

  1. Melt the Cacao butter 
  2. Add the Erythritol & the Cacao powder into your mixture (note – the Erythritol has been blended into a pure, fine, caster sugar-esque consistency to make it less grainy)
  3. Give this mixture a good stir & try to ensure it is as smooth as possible
  4. Once mixed, it’s then time to add your flavourings: 3x drops of Doterra Peppermint food grade essential oils & CBD oil
  5. We then decant the mix into some chocolate moulds
  6. Pop these in the fridge for an hour to set, and then let the snacking begin 💪🏽

It’s that simple! 

Feeling adventurous? You can tweak it by adding different essential oils, Chilli flakes, salt and / or even some nuts to meet your tastebuds! We have experimented with Vanilla essence, toasted almonds, Mandarin, Geranium & Rose. You can even add lemon or orange zest to add this crisp zesty undertone!

If you do give this gorgeous Keto CBD Chocolate recipe a spin, please let us know what you think!  Please tag us on Instagram @bristolcbd so we can see your chocs in action!




Exfoliating CBD Body Scrub Recipe

Nourish your skin with vitamins and nutrients, and leave it feeling invigorated & soothed with this gorgeous exfoliating CBD body scrub recipe!

Watch as Koren from Bristol CBD & The Colon Care Centre shares this simple and inexpensive recipe that you can make in minutes! It’s perfect for anyone wanting to treat themselves to some body pampering, or to help soothe dry skin conditions! Did we mention that it’s edible & tastes delicious?!? Oh hello…

For us at Bristol CBD HQ, a dream night-in includes a healthy dinner & lots of pampering!

We love snacking on home-made treats topped with a delicious Olive CBD tapenade spread, before settling down to a wholesome, revitalising bath! To set the scene we light a few fragrant candles, and a peaceful incense stick. For music, we zone out to our favourite jazz & blues playlist on Spotify, and then for the pièce de résistance…

We give our body a good scrub with our divine home-made exfoliating CBD body scrub, before soaking away in a hot bath. Perfect for a much needed recharge and some body pampering! 

The base ingredient of this divine DIY scrub (and sneaky edible treat!) is used coffee grounds…

The caffeine in coffee helps stimulate and promote healthy circulation, which in turn can help improve dry skin conditions such as eczema. It’s a great way to recycle your coffee, with an added bonus of smoothing out the skin. The grainy nature of coffee grinds also act as a wonderful light scrubbing agent!

Antioxidant and anti-inflammatory oats! 

Along with the coffee grounds, we use blitzed oats to soothe and cleanse the skin. Oats retain powerful antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties which help treat dry skin and remove dead skin cells. Oats also contain compounds called saponins, which are natural cleansers.

Detoxifying & cleansing lemon for added zest & skin vitality

As a natural fragrant for the scrub we love to use the zest of a Lemon and then a few drops of organic Lemon essential oil. Not only does the zest add an enchanting aroma to the scrub, but Lemon is wonderfully cleansing & detoxifying. 

Here are your main ingredients:

  • ½ Cup of used coffee grounds
  • ½ Cup of brown Demerara sugar
  • ¼ Cup of oatmeal (whizzed this up in the food processor)
  • ¼ Cup of melted down coconut oil
  • Zest of 1 lemon
  • ⅛ cup of olive oil
  • 2-3 drops of Doterra Organic Lemon Essential Oil 

Time to add some CBD Oil for an extra health & balancing kick:

For this recipe we used 1x full pipette of our high-strength 10% whole-plant Bristol CBD Oil. We generally only add CBD oil into this recipe if we are going to be using this scrub in / with a bath! If you’re having a quick shower you wouldn’t get the full benefits of the CBD oil. In a bath however, this is perfect and absolutely fab for a long soak along with the other natural and comforting ingredients. 

Time to mix it all together!

All you need to do is add all of the food based ingredients into a bowl, followed by the Olive Oil & Essential Oils…It’s a great time to get your hands into this and give it a good squidge together!

One it’s fully combined, you can decant the scrub into a mason jar / air-tight container and let it bind (as the Coconut Oil begins to set). If it’s too oily, then you can add a little bit more Coffee, or even some more Oats…

How to use:

Run a soothing bath, wet your skin, grab a handful of the scrub & have a good rub into your body! Enjoy a long soak in your bath and let all the scrub residue soak into your skin…

Feeling adventurous?

This recipe also tastes absolutely divine! Coffee grounds contain loads of antioxidants to help boost your memory and concentration & are fab treating post exercise fatigue!

If you did want to take the turn into a more yummy edible mix, then the key ingredient is our dearest friend…Cacao! All you would need to do is follow the alternative instructions below:

1. Substitute out the olive oil

2. Replace with ⅛ cup of cacao butter

3. Add ¼ cup of cacao powder and mix it together!

Spoon this healthy snack into small balls, or use ice cube moulds. You can then cool in your fridge or freezer…We love to use ice cube moulds for our healthy snack recipes; you can see an example of this in our recent Yummy CBD Chocolate Keto Energy Bites Recipe.

And there you have it…Divine, zesty chocolate bites, and an energizing CBD body scrub! 

If you do give either the scrub or it’s edible other half a go, let us know what you think. Please tag us on Instagram @bristolcbd so we can see the recipe in action!

Happy scrubbing & snacking! 



CBD Chocolate Keto Energy Bites Recipe

The team at Bristol CBD are always curious to experience new health-enhancing diets. Our fascination with Gut health and the digestive system has led us to the Ketogenic Diet!

The ketogenic diet (or keto diet, for short) is a low-carb, high-fat diet that offers many health benefits. Numerous studies show that this type of diet can help you lose weight and improve your health. Ketogenic diets may even have benefits against diabetes, cancer, epilepsy and Alzheimer’s disease. You can learn more here.

We’re absolutely in love with this easy (literally a few minutes!) delicious CBD chocolate energy bites recipe. If you’re on the Keto journey, then you will probably have a lot of carb cravings and will want a sweet fix. These bites are great to keep you on track, and nourish those taste buds. The perfect snack to get you through what can be a challenging entry to the Keto diet!

Here are your main ingredients & instructions for the CBD Chocolate Energy Bites:

  • ½ cup of nut butter (Almond butter is our favourite)
  • ⅛ cup of gently heated Coconut Oil
  • ¼ cup of Cacao Powder
  • x2 tspn of blended Erythritol (read more about this sweetener below)

You need something to sweeten this recipe, and unfortunately most sweeteners contain carbs…

So for this recipe, we’ve gone for Erythritol, an alcohol sugar, (the body doesn’t absorb it!) as it’s a fantastic substitute to use when you are on a Keto diet. It’s about 70% of the sweetness of sugar so you need to add a little bit more to get up to the sweetness of one teaspoon of sugar.

Top tip / we blitzed the Erythritol in the blender and made a powder with it (like a caster sugar) – much easier to absorb into the nut butter!

To make your CBD Chocolate Energy Bites:

  1. Add your Nut Butter & Coconut Oil into a mixing bowl
  2. Give it a good mix to make an oily base
  3. Add 2x teaspoons of the blitzed Erythritol
  4. Add the cacao powder & give the mixture a good mix

Time to add some CBD Oil for an extra health & balancing kick:

For this recipe we used half a pipette (roughly 10 drops) of our favourite 500mg 5% Gold Bristol CBD Oil. This Gold CBD oil is great for cooking because it doesn’t harbour the bitter flavour of our other CBD Oils. It’s perfectly disguised in food! The Gold Bristol CBD Oil has a very neutral flavour, and is perfect for adding to these cheeky fat bombs.

And the final step – Spoon this mixture into your moulds (we use use ice cube moulds)

  1. Spoon your mixture on top of your moulds (a bit messy but a lot of fun!) 
  2. Use a “Flatula” (flat side of a spatula! We’re still laughing about this at HQ!) to navigate the energy bite mixture into your moulds, using the flat head to fill the moulds and smooth the mixture
  3. Pop it in your freezer to set, and then once set, pop them out of the moulds & enjoy!

Feeling adventurous? You could add some salt to the recipe, or some Chili powder for a spicy kick. Have you ever used food-grade essential oils in your cooking? Our household loves to experiment with new flavours, and we love oils from:


NHR Organics

You would only need one drop of food-grade essential oil in a recipe this size (food grade essential oil is very punchy, so go easy!)

Why not try a Citrus, Cardamon, Cinnamon or Ginger essential oil? The beauty of this recipe, along with all of our previous CBD recipes is that you can play around with them and find your own balance to suit your needs & most importantly, your taste buds!

If you do give these yummy CBD Chocolate Energy Bites a go, let us know what you think. Please tag us on Instagram @bristolcbd so we can see your yummy bites in action!

Nom nom nom – enjoy!



Divine CBD Golden Milk Recipe

Turmeric root is highly regarded for it’s vast array of health-giving benefits. Turmeric has powerful anti-inflammatory, anti-fungal and health promoting properties.

This yummy recipe is a great alternative to a sneaky Cappuccino or other hot drinks. The spices add for a delicious chai taste, and the beauty of it is that you can adapt the recipe to include different flavourings to meet your needs. 

This recipe is broken down into two sections; 

  1. Making the CBD Turmeric Paste 
  2. Using the CBD Turmeric Paste to make CBD Golden Milk. 

This recipe for this paste will go a long way; making around 20-30 cups of delicious CBD Golden Milk!

Here are your main ingredients & instructions for the CBD Turmeric Paste

  • 100g of Turmeric
  • 75g of Coconut Oil
  • 1x cup of cold water
  • 1x tspn ground black Pepper (Piperine is incredible for enhancing the bioavailability of Turmeric)
  • 2x tspn Cinammon (Great for flavour, but also as a blood sugar balancer)
  • 2x tspn Ginger (From the same family as Turmeric & great for alleviating nausea & cramps)
  1. Pop the ingredients in a saucepan and heat for 5 minutes
  2. Add a little bit more water if required
  3. The end result will be a thick paste

Time to add some CBD Oil for an extra health & balancing kick:

For this recipe we used a whole pipette (roughly 20 drops) of our favourite 500mg 5% Gold Bristol CBD Oil. CBD evaporates once it reaches 170° , so we tend to add it at the end of cooking. This Gold CBD oil is great for cooking with because it doesn’t harbour the bitter flavour of our other CBD Oils. It’s perfectly disguised in food! 

Remember to give this paste a really good stir and mix the CBD oil well and truly in.

You can then pop the paste (once cooled) in a jar and it will keep for around 3 weeks

Here are your main ingredients & instructions for the CBD Golden Milk

  • 1x cup of plant milk (we love Oatly milk!) 
  • Cardamom seeds (adds a lovely chai flavour & great for the digestive system)
  • 1x tspn Turmeric Paste per cup of milk

To make this CBD Golden Milk:

  1. Use a saucepan set over low heat
  2. Add your plant milk, and then heat up to a gentle simmer
  3. Next up, add your yummy golden Turmeric Paste & stir until dissolved into the milk
  4. Once the paste has combined, let your milk cool slightly and then serve away!

Feeling cheeky? Why not whizz it up with a milk frother or stick blender! We love a sprinkle of Cinnamon on top…

Feeling adventurous? Add some Maple Syrup, or Honey to satisfy that sweet tooth!

If you do give this CBD Golden milk a whirl, let us know what you think. Please tag us on Instagram @bristolcbd so we can see your cuppa! 




Delicious CBD Olive Tapenade Recipe

If you’re anything like us at Bristol CBD HQ, then you love a dish that is rich in flavour, but also one that leaves your body feeling replete, yet also light & balanced.

We’re absolutely in love with this easy (literally a few minutes!) CBD Olive Tapenade recipe…

It’s scrumptious, simple and super versatile!

The perfect addition to a mezze platter, a topping for your sourdough toast, or even to mix with pasta!

Here are your main ingredients & instructions for our CBD Olive Tapenade (this recipe makes around 15 servings)

  • 15x pitted Olives (green, black or mixed) 
  • 8x Sundried Tomatoes (about half the ratio : olives)
  • 1x clove Garlic
  • 2x tspn Olive Oil
  • Handful of Basil (we love our Basil – but you can go easy & adjust the quantities accordingly to suit your taste buds!)
  • Sprinkle of black Pepper

Time to add some CBD Oil for an extra health & balancing kick:

For this recipe we used a whole pipette (roughly 20 drops) of our favourite 500mg 5% Gold Bristol CBD Oil. This Gold CBD oil is great for cooking with because it doesn’t harbour the bitter flavour of our other CBD Oils. It’s perfectly disguised in food! 

To make this CBD Olive Tapenade:

  1. Add all of the ingredients into a mixing bowl
  2. Blend together with a stick blender (you can use a food processor for this recipe, but we find that a stick blender tends to work better with these small quantities)
  3. And voila! Serve, dip, dollop, mix, and stir. Whatever suits you best.

You can seal this tapenade in a jar or tupperware. It should last for up to 3 weeks.

If you do give this yummy CBD Olive Tapenade a dip, let us know what you think. Please tag us on Instagram @bristolcbd so we can see your yummy snack in action!




Making The Perfect Cup Of CBD Coffee

CBD coffee brings the superb benefits of both coffee and CBD together, and it does so as a combination of two natural substances: a natural plant-based caffeine drink, and a natural cannabinoid! Win-win! 

Making CBD coffee is easy, short, and simple. 

Making your own CBD coffee barely takes any more time than having a regular coffee on its own. Be as adventurous as you wish, and use the ingredients below as a rough guide to substitute in / out flavours that you want to taste. We love a simple black coffee, however you could add your own plant milk, use a frother, or go for a turbo-charged aeropress! 

Here are your main ingredients:

Unlike other niche coffees such as Latte’s, Macchiato’s, Flat White’s etc that require a bit more effort, making CBD coffee is super easy as there are really only three simple steps:

  1. Brew a simple black coffee (we use our FAV coffee brand Grumpy Mule, this is their delicious Guatemalan range) – 2x tbsp ground coffee (per cup)
  2. Add in your daily dose of CBD
  3. Stir & viola!

For this recipe we use our popular full-spectrum 500mg 5% Bristol CBD Oil

You can drop your CBD straight in from our Bristol CBD dropper. 6 drops (15mg CBD based on this 5% CBD Oil) is recommended to start but the amount will always be up to you and your body / CBD routine.

Feeling adventurous? Why not try making a CBD Coffee with our delicious Peppermint flavoured 5% CBD oil, which will give your CBD coffee a refreshing and subtle minty taste! 

Have you seen our other CBD recipes?

Check out this awesome Superfood CBD Smoothie recipe, trust us, you won’t regret it!

If you do give this coffee a spin, let us know what you think. Please tag us on Instagram @bristolcbd so we can see your brew!

Happy brewing! 



Amazing Superfood CBD Smoothie Recipe

The beauty of this recipe is that it’s an opportunity to literally include as much fruit & veg as you feel necessary! Be as adventurous as you wish, and use the ingredients below as a rough guide to substitute in / out flavours that you want to taste.  

One of these glasses will give you your 5-a-day in one satisfying sip, with the additional CBD dose only adding to it’s tasty benefits. We love using high-antioxidant fruits such as mixed berries because not only do they taste great, they are also low in sugar!

So whether you’re looking for a morning smoothie to kickstart your day, or a lunchtime smoothie to keep your blood sugar levels balanced and prevent an afternoon crash, this recipe is just for you…

Here are your main ingredients (our recipe makes 3-4 glasses)

(We use a Berg Multi Purpose Blender)

  • 1 cup of Raspberries (frozen or fresh)
  • 1 cup of Blueberries (frozen or fresh)
  • 1 or 2 Bananas 
  • 1 Kiwi
  • Handful of Spinach or Kale
  • 3 cups of plant based milk (we love Oat milk)

Now it’s time to add your Vitamin, Mineral, Fibre & Protein rich powders 

(Our favourite brand for powders that we use frequently in our CBD Smoothies is Golden Greens: 100% organic, affordable & high quality! We also love their eco-packaging)

  • 1 tbsp Cacao & Maca Mix Powder (contains Cacao, Maca, Lucuma, Hemp Protein)
  • 1 tbsp Hemp Seeds
  • 1 tbsp Chia Seeds (High in Omega 3 oils & great source of fibre) 
  • 1 tbsp Flaxseed 
  • 1 tbsp Beetroot Powder
  • 1 tbsp Spirulina
  • 1 tbsp Wheatgrass

Time to add some CBD Oil for an extra health & balancing kick:

For this recipe we used 6-8 drops of our favourite 500mg 5% Bristol CBD Oil (15mg CBD – 20mg CBD)

Time to blend!

Once blended, give it a taste & see what you think! Does it need to be sweeter? If so, try adding Maple Syrup, Honey or Dates. Feeling adventurous? You could add some Avocado to the recipe…

Again, the beauty of this recipe is that you can mix & match to meet your needs 🙂




Which CBD Oil Should I Choose?

We normally recommend that people start with our 5% CBD oil as this is the medium strength of our range and most people find that this is the place to be. However some people are very sensitive to CBD oil and therefore it is worth considering starting with the 3% oil if you are concerned about using a medium strength oil.

Most people find that they get the benefits from CBD oil by taking between 10 mg and 30 mg of CBD per day. Our 5% CBD oil has approximately 2.5 mg of CBD per drop, or 7.5mg CBD per spray.

This means that you can start with a very low dose of 3 to 5 drops per day, and then slowly work up until you reach 5 to 15 drops per day.

If you are using CBD oil in order to boost your health quite dramatically, perhaps because you are experiencing a serious health issue; then it is worth considering a stronger CBD product.

Our suggestions would be the following:

10% 1000mg CBD oil

We offer both dropper and spray bottles and it’s really a matter of choice which one you prefer. Some people like to place drops onto a spoon before they place it into the mouth so that they can mix in a little honey or other sweetener. Other people find that using the spray bottle is easier as you can simply spray the correct amount of CBD into your mouth under your tongue as you see fit.

The World Health Organisation stipulates that CBD is non-toxic, non-addictive, and non-psychoactive and, to date, there are no reports of serious side-effects. If you are taking other medication, you should consult with your GP or pharmacist, to check whether there could be any contraindication

When you first start taking CBD oils, you should start with a low dose, and start increasing gradually, as per our dosage guide.

Once you have decided which strength CBD oil you want to buy then you can simply choose whether you prefer to have a dropper bottle or a spray bottle. The dropper bottles are 10 ml in size and the spray bottles are 20 ml in size so you get twice as much CBD in the spray bottle as you do in the dropper bottle.

If you have any questions regarding which bottle to buy or what dosage to start on please do not hesitate to contact us.

Many thanks,

Bristol CBD HQ x

How Much CBD Oil Should I Take?

Recommended Daily Dosage Guide


Everyone is different; everyone’s body is different.  As a result everyone reacts to CBD differently. Some of us are naturally much more sensitive to CBD than others.

With CBD it is important to start with a small dose and build it up slowly. Discover how your body reacts to CBD for a few days before increasing the dose. Some people only need about 10mg of CBD per day, whereas others find that they might require up to 70mg per day (max daily suggested dose).

CBD Oil is twice as bio-available via the gums, than via the gut – which means that it is absorbed much better when held in the mouth for a minute. Spray or drop the CBD oil into your mouth then close your lips and apply slight suction. This boosts the absorption of the active ingredients through the mucous membrane in the mouth before swallowing.

Each of our organic CBD oils has an approximate MG count per drop / per spray associated with it:

Our 5% range of Bristol CBD oils:  

– For the 5% Bristol CBD oil dropper (small 10ml bottle), each drop from the pipette = 2.5mg CBD  

– For the 5% Bristol CBD spray (large 20ml bottle), each spray from the nozzle = 7.5mg CBD  

If using the 5% dropper bottle we would suggest starting at 6 drops per day (15mg CBD) but, after a few days, working up to somewhere between 8 and 20 drops per day.  

If using the 5% spray bottle then start with 2 sprays per day (15mg CBD) and build up to between 3 – 9 sprays per day.  

Our 10% range of Bristol CBD oils:  

– For the 10% Bristol CBD oil dropper (small 10ml bottle), each drop from the pipette = 5mg CBD  

– For the 10% Bristol CBD spray (large 20ml bottle), each spray from the nozzle = 15mg CBD.

If using the 10% dropper bottle we would suggest starting at 3-4 drops per day (15mg – 20mg CBD) but, after a few days, working up to somewhere between 4 – 14 drops per day.  

If using the 10% spray bottle then start with 1 spray per day (15mg CBD) and build up to between 1 – 4 sprays per day.  

It’s important to keep the oil in the mouth for 30 seconds to a minute and try to move the oils around the gums with the tongue so that it can get absorbed through the gum walls.  

More information on CBD can be found in our handy CBD Guide.  

If you start to feel excessively drowsy then lower the dose. If you are using other medication then you should consult with your doctor before using CBD oil.  

Please contact us if you have any questions, we’re always on hand to help guide & support our customers with expert CBD advice.   

Warm wishes,  

Bristol CBD HQ x

The Endocannabinoid System 

The Endocannabinoid System – Why Is It So Important?

We have a number of people asking us how CBD works & why it is so healthy. In short, it’s all about the ‘Endocannabinoid System’ – The Endocannabinoid System has been called ‘the most important physiologic system involved in establishing and maintaining human health’.

If nourished well, and supported with CBD Oil, it has fantastic healing potential.

In 1992, Dr. Rafael Mechulan, an Israeli scientist, discovered that the human body contains an endocannabinoid system. Our bodies create cannabinoids, which are vital in maintaining balance and homeostasis in the body. Unfortunately most of us are unable to create enough of our own cannabinoids and therefore our endocannabinoid system is out of balance.
Until hemp was prohibited alongside cannabis 100 years ago, humans had a readily available source of cannabinoids because hemp was eaten and livestock were also often fed on hemp. Post prohibition, this was largely lost.

When hemp and CBD were legalised a few years ago, many people began to take CBD and other cannabinoids extracted from hemp plants to top up their cannabinoid levels and bring more balance to their systems.

Taking CBD oil helps your body to create more of the cannabinoids that your endocannabinoid system needs to help maintain balance and wellbeing in the body.

Studies have shown that a healthy, functioning endocannabinoid system can help to:

  • Boost immune system 
  • Reduce the risk of disease
  • Reduce inflammation
  • Ease arthritic symptoms
  • Improve skin – e.g. psoriasis & eczema
  • Reduce nausea
  • Relieve muscular & joint pain
  • Alleviate depression & anxiety
  • Manage mood swings
  • Combat addictive patterns
  • Improve sleep difficulties

Save money on your CBD!

We know CBD can be expensive, so whenever we can, we send out discount coupons to our subscribers.

If you want to benefit from our hefty CBD discount offers, subscribe now below.
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