Our commitment to the planet
Plant 1 tree for every £25 spent
We feel passionate about maintaining balance with our generous planet. To help with this mission, we have partnered with TreeSisters, a social change and reforestation charity that plants trees around the world to combat climate change and repair the environment.
Our commitment is to plant 1 tree for every £25 spent on Bristol CBD products.

Why Trees, Why Now?
Reforesting helps our planet
When trees are removed, carbon is released into the atmosphere and less carbon is sequestered. In addition, vibrant ecosystems are often overfarmed, eroded and rendered infertile in a cascade effect that is mirrored with social decline, grinding poverty and climate extremes.
Reforestation can rapidly reverse these trends, sequestering carbon, stabilizing and nourishing the soils, restoring watersheds, revitalizing dry springs and providing good quality water to large populations living downstream.
Why TreeSisters?
A balanced approach
TreeSisters has so far funded the planting of over 20 million trees across 12 locations in Brazil, Borneo, Cameroon, India, Kenya, Mozambique, Madagascar, Nepal and West Papua – all areas where the planting of trees can make the most positive difference to our planet.
TreeSisters is not only funding the restoration of environments and biodiversity but also educating local communities about the importance of protecting nature.
When you buy from Bristol CBD, you are taking part in the reforestation revolution!

The TreeSisters Mission
Play your part in saving our planet
“We need to gather, to inspire and encourage each other, because it’s time for a different relationship with life on this planet of ours.”
Clare Dubois, Founder & CEO, TreeSisters
Every time you spend £25 on Bristol CBD products we will pay TreeSisters to plant a tree in your honour.