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Turkey Tail Mushroom Tincture – The Benefits

Turkey tail mushroom (Trametes versicolor) is a medicinal mushroom that has been used for centuries for its health benefits. It is known for its immune-boosting properties, and it has also been shown to help fight cancer, reduce inflammation, and improve gut health. It is called Turkey Tail as it resembles the tail of a turkey.

Turkey Tail Mushroom

Turkey tail mushroom tincture is a concentrated extract of the mushroom that is made by steeping the mushrooms in alcohol and water. Bristol CBD’s Turkey Tail Mushroom tincture is triple-extracted with ultrasonic assisted extraction (UAE) technology used alongside the water and alcohol extraction. This process helps to boost the extraction of the beneficial compounds from the mushroom and makes them more bioavailable.

Here are some of the benefits of Turkey Tail mushroom tincture:

Turkey Tail Mushroom and Immune System Support

Turkey tail mushroom contains polysaccharides that have been shown to boost the immune system. These polysaccharides can help the body fight off infection and disease as it:

  • Increases the production of white blood cells: White blood cells are the body’s natural defense against infection. Turkey tail mushroom has been shown to increase the production of white blood cells, including T cells and B cells.
  • Activates natural killer cells: Natural killer cells are a type of white blood cell that kills infected or cancerous cells. Turkey tail mushroom has been shown to activate natural killer cells, helping them to fight infection and disease.
  • Reduces inflammation: Inflammation is a natural response to infection, but it can also be harmful if it is chronic. Turkey tail mushroom has been shown to reduce inflammation, which can help to improve immune function.
  • Boosts production of interferon: Interferon is a protein that helps to protect the body from infection. Turkey tail mushroom has been shown to boost the production of interferon, helping the body to fight off infection.

Turkey Tail Mushroom’s Cancer Fighting Properties: 

Turkey tail mushroom has been shown to inhibit the growth of cancer cells in laboratory studies. Turkey Tail mushroom contains polysaccharides which are involved in:

  • Immune system modulation: Turkey tail mushroom polysaccharides can help to boost the immune system by stimulating the production of white blood cells and activating natural killer cells. These cells are important for fighting infection and cancer.
  • Cancer cell growth inhibition: Turkey tail mushroom polysaccharides can also help to inhibit the growth of cancer cells by blocking the formation of new blood vessels that tumors need to grow. They can also help to kill cancer cells by inducing apoptosis, or programmed cell death.
  • Cancer cell metastasis suppression: Turkey tail mushroom polysaccharides can also help to suppress the metastasis of cancer cells, which is the spread of cancer from its original site to other parts of the body.

Turkey Tail Mushroom’s Anti-inflammatory Properties

Turkey tail mushroom contains antioxidants that can help reduce inflammation. Inflammation is a major factor in many chronic diseases, such as heart disease, cancer, and arthritis.

Turkey tail mushroom has been shown to have anti-inflammatory properties in both animal and human studies. The mushroom contains a variety of compounds that have been shown to inhibit the production of inflammatory molecules, such as cytokines and chemokines.

The anti-inflammatory properties of turkey tail have been shown to be beneficial in a variety of conditions, including:

  • Rheumatoid arthritis: A study in rheumatoid arthritis patients showed that taking turkey tail extract for 12 weeks reduced pain and improved joint function.
  • Allergies: A study in people with allergic rhinitis showed that taking turkey tail extract for 4 weeks reduced the symptoms of allergies, such as sneezing and runny nose.
  • Inflammatory bowel disease: A study in mice with inflammatory bowel disease showed that taking turkey tail extract reduced inflammation and improved gut health.
  • Cancer: Turkey tail has been shown to have anti-cancer properties in both animal and human studies. The mushroom has been shown to inhibit the growth of cancer cells and to promote the death of cancer cells.

Turkey Tail and Gut Health Support

The gut microbiota is a complex ecosystem of bacteria that live in the gut. These bacteria play a vital role in digestion, nutrient absorption, and immune function. A healthy gut is essential for overall health and well-being.

Turkey Tail mushroom can help improve gut health by increasing the number of beneficial bacteria in the gut. Polysaccharide peptide is a type of beta-glucan in Turkey Tail that has been shown to improve gut health by increasing the production of beneficial bacteria and reducing inflammation.

In addition to beta-glucans and polysaccharides, Turkey Tail also contains other substances that may be beneficial for gut health, such as:

  • Triterpenes: Triterpenes are a type of lipid that have been shown to have anti-inflammatory properties. They may help to reduce inflammation in the gut, which can improve overall gut health.
  • Flavonoids: Flavonoids are a type of antioxidant that can help to protect the gut from damage. They may also help to improve gut health by increasing the production of beneficial bacteria.

How To Take Turkey Tail Mushroom Tincture:

Turkey tail mushroom tincture can be taken orally or applied topically. The recommended dosage is 1-2 droppers per day, taken in a drink with or without food.

If you are taking turkey tail mushroom tincture for its immune-boosting properties, it is best to take it on a regular basis.

Safety and side effects:

Turkey tail mushroom tincture is generally considered safe for most people. However, it is important to talk to your doctor before taking it if you are pregnant, breastfeeding, or taking any medications.

Where To Buy Turkey Tail Mushroom Tincture

If you are looking for an Turkey Tail Mushroom Tincture in the UK which is triple extracted to maximise health benefits then we recommend Bristol CBD’s Turkey Tail Mushroom Tincture as it is a natural and effective way to support your health. It has been shown to boost the immune system, fight cancer, reduce inflammation, and improve gut health.

About Bristol CBD

Bristol CBD is the most trusted CBD brand in the UK with a trust score of 5.0 stars on both Google and Trustpilot. As well as CBD products, Bristol CBD also sell high-spec functional mushrooms including Lion’s Mane, Cordyceps, Shiitake, Chaga, Reishi and Turkey Tail.

We offer unparalleled customer service, support, guidance and advice and a 100% money back guarantee if you are not entirely satisfied with your product.

If you have any questions about how to buy or use CBD or medicinal mushroom products, please feel free to call us on 07706 031 935 at any time. We are always happy to share our experiences and help people to find the best solution for their own needs.

Please note that Bristol CBD staff are not qualified doctors or nurses and therefore we do not make any medical claims and cannot recommend CBD for specific ailments. Our articles are simply based on our own research and over 12 years experience of working with CBD and other supplements. We always encourage people to talk with their GPs, physicians or nurses before taking CBD products.

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